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merry christmas y'all!!
and for those of you who don't celebrate christmas i hope you have a great week!!

love y'all, so here's a quick lil chapter full of fluff




"Do you mind if you could- uh, get off of me?"

Taehyung who was currently hanging off the shoulders of Jungkook pouted. Jungkook had been walking into the kitchen when the boy kept onto his back.

At first it didn't bother him but his back can only take too much.

"Aww but your so strong," Taehyung said as he slid off onto his own feet.

Jungkook smiled at him, placing a quick peck on his cheek.

"Do you want to go out today?" Taehyung asked scrolling through his phone, "I heard main street was having some parade and all of the shops were open."

"A parade?" Jungkook questioned as he placed his dirty bowl into the sink. "What that for?"

"I heard it was an art parade. Dancers, musicians, floats decorated by artist. the whole shazam," Taehyung responded.

In about a half hour the duo were standing on the sides of the streets waiting for the parade to pass through.

Taehyung and Jungkook wore matching jeans and white shirts. Taehyung also wore his gold rimmed glasses while Jungkook pulled on his Tims.

"Kookie look there's ice cream," Taehyung said pointing to a stand a little ways down the street.

"Let's get some," Jungkook replied.

The two ordered their ice cream, Taehyung getting strawberry and Jungkook vanilla.

Jungkook stole a lick or two from Taehyung's ice cream which Taehyung fussed about cutely. When he went in for a third lick Taehyung thrusted his cone into Jungkook's face.

Ice cream was smeared onto his cheek as Taehyung laughed wildly.

He started to run away but Jungkook grabbed the boy by his waist.

"Hey!" Jungkook laughed, "Clean this off my face!"

"It's what you deserve," Taehyung giggled.

Jungkook pouted cutely and Taehyung gave in.

Taehyung swiped his tongue across Jungkook's ice cream smeared cheek, licking his lips and grinning once he pulled away. Jungkook grimaced, but smiled none the less. He smooched kisses all around Taehyung's face.

Jungkook saw a group of girls whispering to each other as they stole glances at the two.

Taehyung took his hand in his, "C'mon let's go actually clean the stuff off your face."

Jungkook followed Taehyung hand in hand as they found some napkins. Jungkook cleaned off his cheek, throwing the dirty paper away.

The two sat on the street as the parade began.

Bright colors on the creatively designed floats. Dances with flowing costumers made their way down the street as they moved along with the music.

A band followed as confetti and treats were thrown around. Jungkook and Taehyung cooed at the children handing out flowers to the bystanders.

A little girl with a head of black hair moved to them, showing off a toothy smile.

"Would you like a flower?" She said sweetly and Jungkook swore he felt the heat of Taehyung's heart melting.

"Of course," Jungkook smiled at the little girl.

Taehyung gave a a boxy smile as he handed him a red flower.

She moved on, Taehyung watching her little legs walk on to the next group of people. Then he turned and tapped Jungkook's nose with the flower. Jungkook giggled at the gesture.

The parade soon ended and Taehyung wanted to grab a quick lunch.

They stopped at their cafe, ordering sandwiches and milk.

Jungkook smiled at Taehyung who was sitting across from him.

Jungkook liked moments like these.

Taehyung was eating his food, not really looking at Jungkook. Jungkook watched him with a smile.

Jungkook loved how Taehyung's long eyelashes blinked confusedly at his phone. How his lips shined from his food, or how the sunlight lit up his golden complexion through the window.

Or how Taehyung noticed he was staring at him and a wide boxy smile appeared in his lips as he would ask:

"What is it?"

Jungkook smiled.

"Nothing, you're just perfect, that's all."


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