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Jungkook screamed as he tried to push Jimin's body off of his own. Jimin was on top of Jungkook, his face dangerously close. Jungkook groaned as he pushed against his chest.

"Jimin, it's just a movie!"

Jimin whined as he shoved Jungkook away to climb under the blanket. Jungkook landed on the rug with a thud. He groaned in pain as he sat up.

"It's a scary one!" Jimin squealed from underneath the pillow while the movie played a jump scare.

"You were the one who wanted to watch one in the first place!" Jungkook protested.

"I didn't think it would be this scary!" Jimin shot back popping his head out from the blanket. Jungkook chuckled. Jimin's hair was pooped up cutely, but his eyes were glaring at Jungkook. "What are you laughing at!"

Jungkook laughed even more as Jimin tried to tackle him, but the blanket was still around him so it ended up feeling like a pillow was dropped onto him. The two twisted and turned together making them tangled in the blanket.

They both stopped struggling for a second, exhausted from struggling so much. They rested their head down with their foreheads slightly touching.

Soon they were both fast asleep tangled in a blanket together.

When Jungkook's eyes opened he was met with the sleeping face of Jimin. He reached his head upwards trying to glance out the window. It was only darkness outside the window. The tv was off, Jungkook didn't know how that happened.

He tried to stand and untangle himself. By doing so he accidentally tripped, making Jimin wake up. Jimin let out a yawn as he sat up into a sitting position. Jungkook groaned standing up. Jimin glanced at him shushing him as well.

"Kook, people are sleeping," he whispered. Jimin's eyes widened after a second, "Shit, Jungkook you should be home right now!"

"Uhm.." Jungkook didn't want to tell Jimin that he actually didn't have a home prior.

Jimin stood up and ushered Jungkook into the kitchen.

"Do you have a place to stay?" A voice called form one of the kitchen stools. Jungkook let out a quiet shriek as he whipped around to face the sitting figure.

Sitting there, dressed in a oversized black shirt and shorts was Yoongi. At least that's what Jungkook thought his name was. Jungkook sliently glared at the smaller boy. Yoongi looked expressionless.

"What are you doing up?" Jungkook hissed. Yoongi shrugged.

"Hyung, I thought you said your sleeping was getting better," Jimin said quietly. Yoongi bit his inner cheek guiltily.

"That's not the point right now," Yoongi whispered, "The important thing now is if Jungkook has a place to stay."

Jimin looked at Jungkook curiously.

"Well?" Yoongi asked raising an eyebrow.

"I... no.." Jungkook sighed. Jungkook looked down sadly.

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