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Jungkook could feel his heart beating in his chest, seemingly racing faster the longer Taehyung looked at him. Taehyungs hands were still on his cheeks unmoving, like he didn't want to remove them.

Taehyung finally looked down, hanging his head low.

"Fuck," he muttered under his breath.

Taehyung moves his hands from Jungkook's face. Jungkook hadn't moved an inch. He didn't know what to do.

He didn't necessarily hated-


No, Jungkook thought, You have a boyfriend.

Jungkook slid away from Taehyung looking anywhere but him. A silence hung over them. The air suddenly felt thicker.

And now they were stuck on the roof together.


It felt like forever before Taehyung opened his mouth.

"Jungkook just, please forget about-,"

"Are you serious?!"

Taehyung looked at Jungkook who had a face of 'I didn't say that'. Suddenly they heard footsteps climbing up onto the rooftop. Then appeared Jimin, a wide smile on his face.

Taehyung and Jungkook didn't move.

"You guys actually his up here? Jesus it's freezing... but props for the effort!" Jimin said as he walked towards the two.

"Hah, yep," Taehyung chuckled awkwardly.

Jimin looked between the two before plopping down next to Jungkook. He kissed his cheek lightly which caused his stomach to twist.

"Let's go back inside, Jin is telling weird Christmas stories," Jimin proposed.

Jungkook stiffly nodded, following Jimin down the stairs. Taehyung, treading behind them.

The next week flew by quickly, both Jungkook and Taehyung avoiding each other. It felt as though an awkward tension had fallen over the house... something no one would bring up.

Jungkook played with his food, swirling the ramen in his bowl frowning slightly. Jimin sat next to him studying his partners face. They were alone, everyone else was either out or in a shoot for the next hour.

Jimin placed his chin in Jungkook's shoulder pouting a little. Jungkook let a small smile creep on his lips before returning to his untouched ramen.

"Baby... what's wrong?" Jimin whispered kissing his neck a little.

Jungkook pursed his lips remaining silent.

Jimin sat up straight, crossing his arms.

"Jungkook I am not blind. You and Taehyung are having this weird thing going on ever since Christmas," Jungkook stiffened at his words, pausing his stirring.

"Did something happen?" Jimin said quietly.

"Jiminie.." Jungkook said looking at Jimin, who looked like he was on the verge of crying.

"Was it something I did?" Jimin's voice cracked.

"N-No! No, no! It was never you Jiminie," Jungkook quickly denied placing a hand on Jimin's wet cheek, making him face Jungkook.

"Then what is it?" Jimin said harshly, as if it pained him to utter the words.

Jungkook remained silent.

Jimin tsked and gently moved Jungkook's hand away from him, and walked away. Jungkook felt a lump in his throat slowly grow as he watched Jimin disappear down the hallway.

Jungkook sighed deeply, looking up to the ceiling. He blinked away his wet eyes, swallowing the knot in throat.

Jungkook pulled out his phone dialing his number.

The phone rang once. Then twice.

"Jungkook?" the almost robotic voice said from the other line. Jungkook gulped.

"Can we meet up later today? I need.. I need to sort things out," Jungkook said quietly.

There was a pause. The man sighed, "Okay.. meet me in the cafe in two hours, okay?"

"Okay," Jungkook sniffled.

"Kookie, I care about you," He said, "I'll see you soon."

"Okay, thanks. Bye," Jungkook said softly before ending the call.

Two hours was enough time for him to think over what he was going to say. Jungkook stood, walking down the hall to his bedroom before collapsing on his bed.

His cold ramen still remained uneaten on the counter.


I apologize for the short chapter and for not updating... i think this was just a short chapter for you to know i'm not dead.

also if you haven't already, please check out my new story called "monsters" i don't know if i'll make it into something. it was really only something i thought of one day... but it would be a horror story type thing? i kind of have the plot down..

i also kinda want to start a new gang or mafia type of book with a vhope pairing because i love vhope ;u;

but i might not because i'm still doing this and i'm kind of loosing motivation and i really had no plans for this book at all. believe me i'm surprised that it got this many views

okay i'll stop talking now!! have a great day my loves 💖💝💞💘💓💕💗

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