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"ARE you awake now?"

jungkook groaned. he can't feel his body but he can feel pain all over his arms. slowly he tried to open his eyes and saw nothing but white. he tried to move, but then he ended up wincing in pain. the room is totally cold and yet he feels so hot. like he's burning or something.

"hello? can you clearly see me?" someone spoke.

jungkook turned his head to the person and found a guy who's currently looking at him with a wide eye. he shifted on his bed uncomfortably. little by little the pain is slowly fading away. he sighed and tried to calm himself down by breathing.

"wow i can't fucking believe i'm standing infront of you." the guy spoke with so much enthusiasm that jungkook can't help but chuckle.

"are you gay or something?" he teased the guy and he received a middle finger.

that made jungkook laugh even more harder. "it's just a joke man, sorry." he smiled at the guy and even bowed.

after that it was dead silence. the guy earlier who's full of enthusiasm and joy was now looking at jungkook seriously with a wide eye.

"uh how long are you planning to stand there and pose?" the guy awkwardly laughed and moved.

"sorry. i just can't believe i can talk to you normally and that i'm not even scared of you." the man started to arrange things, then jungkook realized it was a first aid kit.

the guy was also wearing a gray uniform along with the signage. jungkook knew then that he's also a staff ofcourse, but he's way different than those ones who got him out of the jail. he thinks that this guy is harmless.

"why would you be afraid of me?" jungkook suddenly asked.

the guy stopped on what he's doing and looked at jungkook. he awkwardly smiled again and shifted a little bit.

"i mean you killed your own sister and even skinned her, you might also do that here so.." jungkook suddenly realized how big it was to let the whole public know that he did it.

it will basically change his image. he's not known for being an amazing player anymore but rather he will be known as a killer. he stayed quiet after that, he just let the guy tend to his bruises.

"what happened by the way? i mean where did you get all these bruises?" the guy suddenly asked while treating it.

"just treat it. you don't need to know." jungkook coldly answered.

"i'm hoseok by the way, i'm also a staff here so if ever you need something or you want to ask for something, i'd gladly do it." jungkook just quietly nodded at him.

hoseok knew he did a wrong move. he started to feel guilty about bringing up jungkook's sister. he sighed and arranged the tools that he used for jungkook's scratches and bruises.

"are you also a nurse or maybe a doctor?" jungkook asked hoseok.

"no, but i do know the basics since i was trained. the doctor is not available today that's why." jungkook just nodded again.

"can you stand up already? i'm taking you to your room." instead of answering, jungkook stood up carefully and hoseok guided him to go out.

the whole hallway was quiet. its just the two of them walking, jungkook can't help but to be amazed at how the old building can still look good. like at how the ceilings were so high and such.

"where are the other patients? i mean how many are we in here?" jungkook asked in confusion since he still haven't seen any patient since he arrived.

"oh they're all on the third and fourth floor, we're currently on the second floor. patients are not allowed to go anywhere except for those who are sick and needs treatment, we bring them in the clinic like you." jungkook nodded at hoseok's statement.

they rode an elevator and when they reached the fourth floor, jungkook started to see some patients. guards were now beside them as hoseok is finding jungkook's room. they walked past some patients. jungkook even saw someone looking at him while laughing and murmuring some things.

"here we are, you're in room 407." hoseok opened the door and jungkook slowly went in.

it was a small room. with nothing but a small bed and small table with nothing on it. atleast there's a bed, jungkook thought. he spent his whole week at the jail literally without anything, not even a bed.

"are you fine now? the guards will guide you to the cafeteria when it's lunch and dinner time." hoseok mentioned.

"there's a cafeteria in here?" jungkook was shocked to hear it. it just feels like he's on a hospital and needs to be treated but he liked it more better here than in jail.

hoseok nodded at jungkook.

"i've gotta go now, take care." hoseok immediately left and now jungkook was left alone on his room locked.

he sighed and sat down on the small bed. he honestly dont know what to feel or say. he doesnt even have a fucking idea on why he was sent here.

"what did they do to me?" he mumbled when he remembered that he was being tied at the chair while the head nurse ms. beth was telling him things he can't even remember.

he was so sure that they injected him something. and it made him sleepy and a bit weak. jungkook groaned in frustration and rub his face with his hands. there must be something going on.

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