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AS MUCH as jin hated the sight of seeing his patients bruised badly, he doesn't have a choice but to mend them and heal them. he picked a cotton ball on his cabinet and slowly dumped it on alcohol. he can hear yoongi groan at the sight but he rolled his eyes.

"if you haven't gotten into a fight in the first place, you wouldn't feel that way." jin retorted.

once he prepared everything, he walked his way towards yoongi who is now sitting on a bed. jin sighed as he started to tap the cotton ball in the side of yoongi's mouth. minutes before yoongi was brought to his clinic, he already helped both hoseok and jungkook with their bruises. he also heard about the fight that had happened in the cafeteria from jimin.

"d-do you know where's jungkook?" yoongi suddenly spoke which made jin stopped on what he was doing for an instance.

"you do know you're the reason at why—"

"fuck, i know okay? i just badly need to talk to him right now. no need to blame me and shit because i know it already." yoongi hissed and cut off jin.

jin just vaguely nodded and just continued to do his work. he already knew yoongi. he doesn't want to end up being the one he's fighting with. so instead, he just quietly finished fixing yoongi's bruises before standing up to write something on his notes.

yoongi shifted in his bed and stood up carefully, trying to not lose his balance. he muttered a curse when he felt a pain on his head, its probably the side effect of the thing that has been injected on him earlier. and lord, he hates it.

when jin finished writing, he spared a glance at yoongi and cleared his throat to get the younger's attention.

"i'm taking you to the infirmary, you'll have to stay there for about an hour or two before they let you go back to your cell again." yoongi just shrugged knowing he doesn't have a choice anyway.

they both walked out of the clinic and jin was the one who guided the younger to walk behind him and follow him. the infirmary room is quite bigger than everyone else can think of, its more bigger than jin's clinic since it consists of five beds inlined with only some curtains blocking each bed. it's a room for patients that came from the clinic and needs more rest. or to make it simple, it's that room where they put patients that are still under observation of the doctor.

since the infirmary is not that quite far from the clinic itself, they immediately reached it. jin pulled the door open but before yoongi can even enter, he felt a hand grabbed his arm that made him look back at the older.

"jungkook's there, i know you need to talk to him so i'm making up an excuse incase someone wants to enter this room. i'll be outside, you better fix things up." and before yoongi can even open his mouth to say something, jin quickly let go of his arms and closed the door.

yoongi sighed.

he must admit he was touched at how the doctor tried to help him despite him being rude to the older.

and because yoongi doesn't want to waste anymore time, he immediately tiptoed slowly trying not to make a noise while also trying to find where jungkook is. he pushed through the huge and long curtains. the room's really silent and dull. even the white bed sheets are somewhat stained. he tried to ignore it and went towards the last bed. and when he pushed through the curtains, there, he found jungkook.

the younger was hugging himself and he can't help but to admit the fact that jungkook seems so small in that huge single bed he's in. his knees were folded and he was seating there on the bed with his head down. as if he's in deep thoughts. he didn't even seem to hear or see yoongi.

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