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JUNGKOOK groaned again for the nth time already, its been minutes since the guy who backed hug him, that turns out to be taehyung, approached him. seconds later, yoongi and namjoon followed. the moment yoongi laid eyes on him, the older just kept on cussing non stop. while taehyung was being too talkative and kept asking jungkook questions. thank god, namjoon has a brain and he's the only one who acted maturely and kept quiet.

"fuck those bastards." yoongi, who's holding his now empty bottled water heavily stomped it on the table.

"yeah like you've been saying that for a hundred time now." taehyung snorted.

"fuck off." yoongi hissed.

jungkook sighed again because obviously his so called "friends" that are supposed to be giving him comfort and peace are doing the opposite thing. they're making him stressed. he then glanced at namjoon who slightly chuckled in his situation and shook his head.

"seriously though jungkook, are you fine already? seeing those bruises and cuts all over your face and body is not a pretty good sight." namjoon already decided to butt in and make the situation calm.

"i am fine now, i just need some rest and that's it. seriously, you all don't need to act like i was about to die." jungkook nervously chuckled at his last words.

yeah, right.

yoongi scoffed and continued to eat his meal, he obviously knows that jungkook is lying. he can't even look straight at them. and he keeps on biting his lips non stop. for the past few weeks that he had spent with jungkook, somehow yoongi can already tell if he's lying or not. jungkook is like a mirror, you can easily tell his emotions without even knowing him personally.

when the atmosphere finally became calm, jungkook cleared his throat and successfully got everyone's attention. ofcourse with yoongi, giving him suspicious looks.

"i know you all got worried for me, but i'm already fine. actually, there's something very important i need to tell you." all of the three just gave jungkook confused looks.

"that sounds so fucking interesting." taehyung commented and motioned jungkook to continue speaking.

jungkook rolled his eyes at the typical taehyung and yet continued to speak.

"i've created a theory, just because i realized a huge thing that this fucking hell hole might be hiding." jungkook made sure that his voice wasn't loud. he doesn't want anyone to hear their conversation because they might immediately get suspected.

now everyone is surely interested. yoongi moved his tray since he's already finished eating and gave all his attention to jungkook. taehyung didn't even flinched since the youngest started talking and namjoon listening carefully while in his own deep thoughts.

"there was one time when my nurse went to the bathroom and i was left outside, it was on the ground floor. and not far enough from the bathroom itself, there's an old room there. i can say it's really old because of the door's structure. but then what made me surprised were the blood stains, fresh ones, that were seen in different sides and parts of the door." jungkook gulped, he wasn't supposed to tell them about the electric thingy but he needs to.

he sighed, before continuing.

"when i was locked in the punishment cell, i-i was tortured. they tied me into this electric chair and tortured me there.." he trailed off.

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