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IT'S another day for jungkook. another day to experience hell. he's been thinking a lot these days and can't help but feel so confused and lost. he's sure enough that the stygianburg institute is definitely hiding something.

"i think i can manage." jungkook mumbled while doing a countless of push-ups.

it's also been awhile since he last went to a gym and he kinda missed it. he loves working out as well aside from playing games.

minutes had passed and he still continued to do push ups until he heard the bell rang. he slowly stood up and grabbed the clean shirt on the top of the bed. he's quite thankful that they're given extra clothes for emergencies.

"jeon jungkook? it's time for lunch!" as soon as he heard hoseok's voice, he smiled and waited for the door to open.

"good afternoon!" jungkook gave hoseok a wide smile that made the older look at him weirdly.

"uh okay? you're being weird." jungkook just chuckled and left hoseok hanging there.

he's happy to see him atleast. today, jungkook promised himself to be a better person. he realized that in order for him to get out of the place easily, he needs to show he's improving. with hoseok behind him, jungkook walked calmly to the cafeteria. the place was not that crowded today, only some few patients were there and it seems very calm.

"jungkook!" someone shouted.

jungkook glanced at the person and waved back at taehyung who's trying to call him. he also saw yoongi at the same table, quietly eating his meal.

"i'm fine now hyung, you can take me back to my cell later." jungkook smiled at hoseok one more time before heading towards his friends.

again, hoseok was left hanging. the fact that jungkook called him 'hyung' for the first time made him even more shook. it took him minutes before realizing he's been standing there all the time and totally forgot the other things that he still needs to do.

"oh fuck!" he cursed and immediately ran outside.


"you've already eaten? you're both supposed to wait for me." jungkook whined as soon as he reached their table and saw the empty plates of yoongi and taehyung.

the younger one humpily sat down and even pouted at the two. taehyung cringed at the sight and yoongi even hit jungkook and muttered curses.

"what the fuck? have you watched a kiddie show or what." yoongi was pissed but can't hide the fact that jungkook is cute.

"can you mind your own damn business? i'm trying to be nice here." jungkook answered and started to eat his meal.

"uh nice? for what?" tae asked.

jungkook sighed and gave the two a glare. "you dumbasses, to escape ofcourse! in order for us to easily get out of here, we need to show them that we are improving!" jungkook received hilarious laughters from the two that made him groan in frustration.

"that was stupid as fuck jungkook but you're hella cute pfft–" taehyung spoke between his giggles.

yoongi on the other hand also couldn't help but laugh at the younger ones. jungkook just gave them both a smile before eating his meal. the two older ones quietly sat and waited for jungkook to finish his meal. taehyung, who kept on glancing around the cafeteria suddenly stood up that made yoongi and jungkook confused.

"what is it?" yoongi muttered, also looking around to find out what's wrong.

before taehyung could even answer them, a loud thug surprised the whole cafeteria. jungkook and yoongi immediately stood up too, only to find a guy who's currently being pushed by another patient.

the two seems fighting about something.

other patients are in chaos already while jungkook immediately went at the two to stop them. taehyung gasped as soon as he realized who it was while yoongi followed jungkook.

"hyung! hey stop it!" taehyung grabbed the other one as soon as possible before the other patient can punch him.

"what the fuck is your problem?!" jungkook shouted at the other guy who is now glaring at them.

it has tattoos all over its body and he is also a big guy with muscles. on the other hand, taehyung kept on asking the guy who was just punched if he's okay.

"hey, you're namjoon right?" taehyung asked him and the guy nodded after.

taehyung bit his lip as soon as he saw Namjoon's hands shaking. he must have been so scared, he thought. when he saw namjoon's eyeglasses on the floor, he took it and gave it to him while giving the guy a tap on the shoulder.

"and who the hell are you people to interrupt us?!" the big guy suddenly smashed his hands on the table, causing the thing to break and create a loud crash that was heard all throughout the cafeteria.

yoongi then can't take it anymore and punched the guy. taehyung and namjoon immediately went backwards because of shock. the guy groaned and was supposed to punch yoongi back but then jungkook pushed his hyung and faced the guy himself.

"what the fuck is he doing.." yoongi mumbled and groaned when he stood up and felt a bit of pain on his back when jungkook pushed him.

the big guy smirked at jungkook and even stretched infront of him. jungkook just cockily looked at the guy and without further do, he kicked and punched the guy all at once.

the whole cafeteria went silent. the big guy was now on the floor crying because of pain while other patients are cheering. suddenly, all the guards are now entering the cafeteria along with the nurses. jungkook saw hoseok's worried face but as he was about to smile, jungkook felt someone punched him at the back that caused him to fell at the floor.

"what the fuck! is that how you treat a patient?" jungkook heard yoongi's voice. but little by little, his senses becomes blurry.

he felt a sting on his right arm when someone lifted him up. all of a sudden, jungkook felt sleepy. he knows that someone probably injected him, he knows that there will be a punishment for him. while being carried out of the cafeteria, his visions are blurry but he definitely saw taehyung and yoongi shouting at the nurses and the guards while pointing at him. he saw hoseok along with jimin beside with a glint of worry etched in their faces.

jungkook smiled bitterly. he knew that this will happen as soon as he punched the guy earlier. but then it stings, not because of the punch and the pain that he's feeling but because he knows something is up. it's dangerous.

he can feel it.

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