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A KNOCK that echoed throughout the empty small space that jungkook was in made him woke up. he groaned as he tried to stand up to see who it was. he glanced at the wall clock above his bed and curled his eyebrows when he realized it was only four o'clock in the morning. nurses would usually wake him up at seven in the morning for breakfast but surprisingly it was too early today.

"i'll just check on him as ordered by ms.beth." he heard a familiar voice said.

jungkook finally decided to walk towards the door only to be greeted by the face of jimin who looks utterly nervous. jungkook moved backwards a bit to let jimin enter his room, still confused at why the nurse was there.

"is there a problem hyung?" jungkook asked.

jimin scanned the door first, as if making sure that no one will hear or even see them. he then moved closer to jungkook and softly grabbed the younger's arms and started to speak in a hush voice.

"listen jungkook, i just made up an excuse so that they can let me in. i just want you to listen to what am i gonna say because this shit is important.." jimin trailed off.

despite being so confused, jungkook managed to nod at jimin and prepared himself for whatever he's about to hear.

"we successfully snuck out yesterday and talked to dr.kim, hoseok and i have been secretly investigating for whatever might this hellhole have been hiding. and we searched about analiese anderson yesterday, yoongi's love interest.."

"yoongi's what?" jungkook choked.

but then jimin shrugged and motioned jungkook to let him finish first which the younger obeyed.

"apparently, analiese was a patient here but then she just suddenly vanished and what we only all heard is that she was healed already that's why she was no longer here but then her records shows the opposite thing. jungkook, her case was dissociative identity disorder or mostly known as multiple personality disorder, there's a higher chance that patients with having those kind of cases aren't really cured. so we really do think she was killed in here."

jungkook gulped. trying to process each and every single thing that jimin had said. it's just too much for him. from finding out that yoongi actually had a love interest from the patients that were possibly killed. he was confused, so confused.

jimin tried to shake him from his deep thoughts.

"remember the door jungkook? the one that you saw at the hall, those bloodstains.. don't you think.." jimin's voice started to crack.

he's being emotional again, eversince yesterday he still can't get out all of those negative, scary and unbelievable thoughts on his mind. he was never a fan of violence, hell he would never be interested with that. he hates it. he hates seeing people getting hurt, being abused and most of all being killed, brutally he must say.

"yeah.. fuck." jungkook muttered.

he held jimin's hands who is now crying silently and tried to comfort the older by hugging him. jungkook knew. he had that weird odd feeling right after he stepped in into this institute. he remembered that time when he saw that mysterious room at the hall. and how he was punished. it was all finally clear to him.

and just like jimin, jungkook felt a tear ran down his cheeks. he sniffed silently. crying along with jimin. he suddenly thought of his sister and his friends that he met along the way. yoongi, taehyung and namjoon. they all don't deserve to die. neither does he or anyone else in the institute.

"we need to escape." it came out as a whisper, but then jimin clearly heard it and faced jungkook who's also crying.

jimin smiled at him. it was so warm that jungkook felt touched and loved even in that very moment. then jimin nodded.

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