I cant live without you

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Again everything falls all over again, Mikey and I were in another argument for the 3rd time this month it hurts me so much because all we been doing is fighting and it's not helping both of us at all. The last two fights were so bad that one I had left to my mothers house and the other Mikey had to sleep on the couch.

"Well maybe if you weren't looking at that guy and basically mentally fucking him we wouldn't be here"Mikey yelled

We were in our shared home yelling and screaming at each other it was basically normal for us I'm surprised our neighbors didn't call the police.

"Wow I didn't even notice him until I saw him Mikey what about when you meet fans and your all over them kissing their cheeks and other things"I yelled getting closer to him

My heart was hurting every time when we argue I just wanna hug him I want this to be good again, I tuned everything out walking upstairs to our room with Mikey yelling at me behind me. I opened our room door slamming it in Mikey's and locking the door behind me and sitting on the bed crying.

"So you just walk away from me not even listening to me see this is what I mean you only care about yourself"he yelled on the other side I can just imagine his face all red from screaming


It got hella silent after that, I looked over to the big mirror on the floor and saw how much of a mess I looked my bun was fucked up my cheeks were puffy from crying and my eyes were red along with my tear stained cheeks.


It's been an hour since I called the relationship off and I was still crying and I'm guessing so was Mikey because I heard sniffles from the other side, I got up opening the door to see Mikey laying on his side facing the door way to the room with red eyes and puffy cheeks too.



I sat down on floor in front of him while he sat up wiping his tears with his long sleeve shirt I bought him a few days ago.

"Y/N please don't leave me I need you, you calm me down when things get stressful you make me so happy I still get nervous around you and we been going out for a year I need you by my side I can't lose my baby"he softly said with more tears coming down his cubby cheeks

"Mikey our won't lose me I need you too it's just like I feel like we're losing each other we fight way to much I don't wanna lose you your my everything"I said wiping a tear from his face

My heart was completely shattered by what was in front of my face my baby was hurting and it was my fault. I got closer to him pulling him into a hug holding him tightly.

"Y/N I'm just so scared that I'm gonna lose you to another guy I can't read your emotions or your mind so it scares me"

"Mikey no other man has my heart but you I don't care who's staring at me I only care about you and me it's us against the world" I whispered rubbing his back

He pulled away looking me in the eye with a little smile

"Please let's just forget all of this I just wanna cuddle with you and feel okay"he said

"Come on then"I said getting up and grabbing his hand bringing him to the bed

We got in putting the soft covers over us holding each other while we both were still kinda crying nothing was on and all we heard was our sniffles going back and forth, Mikey sighed and I looked over seeing his eyes closing slowing and all I could think of was just him and only him.

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