Big night

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I checked my self one more time before spraying perfume on me and grabbing my little purse for the night,tonight was a big night for Mikey he's getting a promotion at his job and I had to go with him.

Earlier in this day I went out and bought a beautiful dress it was a long black dress because Mikey is wearing a black tux so we had to match or else we would look dumb.

Mikey's job was a big deal to him and also a big company around California,his boss almost owns the head of every damn store I know.

"Mikey I'm ready"I said walking into the bathroom he was fixing his tie and his hair

"What if I don't get this promotion"he said looking at me through the mirror

"Honey you will trust me,you worked your ass off for this and I'm proud of you"I said trying to calm him down

"Thank you it means a lot,and wow you look gorgeous I seen you in a dress but this one looks amazing on you your hair just wow"he said turning around making me blush

I had my hair curled back while Mikey had his slicked back I could tell just looking at him he was nervous and I understand we're he's coming from he's worked so hard to get this and it would be a bummer if he doesn't get this promotion.

"Come on its 8 and we need to be there at 8:30"I said looking at my phone

He grabbed my hand leading me downstairs into the garage we're out two jet black cars where,I grabbed the keys to the Jeep

"Uh no your not driving and your were heels plus my lady doesn't drive I do"he said walking up to me grabbing the keys out my hand

I giggled a little hiding my red cheeks from the love of my life,he grabbed my rosy cheeks kissing my lips with the cherry lip balm I had on

"Oh delicious"he squeaked making me giggle

He opened my door for me while I got in making sure my dress doesn't get caught in the door.
He jogged to the drivers side getting in and starting up the car instantly turning on the radio,cherry by Lana del Rey came on and started to sing to him

"Cause darling,darling,darling I fall to pieces when I'm with you"I sang to Mikey grabbing his hand

The party or get together wasn't really far from us maybe like 20 minutes from us so me and Mikey had a little sing off in the car

"Cause I love you so much"I sang on the top of my lungs making Mikey laugh

We pulled into a little parking lot were people were all dressed up and lights were shinning on the building saying Bloomingdale works. Mikey pulled into a parking space right in front of the building shutting the car off and racing towards me to open the door making me smile.

"My lady my love"he said sticking his hand out for me to grab it

I grabbed his hand stepping out the car and straightening out my kind black dress making sure I have everything on me.

"Oh why think you my dear"I said looking in his eyes

We walked hand in hand into the building looking at the bright lights,my jaw was on the floor basically.

"Hey gorgeous you good"Mikey whispered in my ear

"Yeah it's just beautiful,it's lovely"I said holding his hand

"And so are you my dear"he said smiling at me

"Mikey barone just the guy I was looking for"a  deep male voice said in front of us I looked up and saw a familiar face Mikey's boss

"Good evening boss this is my girlfriend Y/N,and Y\N this is Joey Mikey said sweetly shaking his bosses hand with the other one

"Nice to meet you"I said smiling sweetly his boss was a little shorter crazy curls coming out his hair his boss was wearing a navy blue suit with a big ring on his hand

"And Y/N this is Emma,joeys wife"Mikey said shaking her hand

"Hi so nice to meet you"I said shaking her hand

"Well wait are we waiting for come on I'm gonna announce who gets the promotion and I gotta show you guys your table"joey said guiding us

Mikey squeezed my hand tightly making me look at him,joey showed us our table and it had a little note with Mikey's last name on it,we sat down and the announcement started.

Joey started talking and I could feel the whole table shaking because of Mikey shaking his leg I grabbed his hand with held it moving my thumb up and down to relax him.

"Hey relax Mikey"I said looking in his big brown eyes

"I'm trying to be"he said looking back into my eyes

"Alright I know everyone is here today to hear who gets the promotion and we're gonna move onto that but I just wanted to thank everyone for coming tonight and looking amazing,but the one big reason everyone is here because on special person in the crowd is gonna get a big promotion and that special person is"joey said into the mic

I grabbed Mikey's had mouthing him that I love him no matter what,I could see Mikey getting tense and I could tell he was starting to get nervous all over again

"MIKEY BARONE"joey semi yelled into the mic

A big smiled appeared on Mikey and I face,he got up hugging his co workers and hugging me last whispering thank you in my ear.

He walked up on the stage hugging his boss's door his bosses wife grabbing the mic.

"Thank you joey and thank you everyone but most of all I wanna thank my beautiful girlfriend in the crowd Y/N"he said pointing at me everyone turned around looking at making me blush

He hugged his boss one more time walking off the stage coming back to me with a big ass smile on his face his red rosy cheeks getting even more red making me giggle at him

He made it to me hugging me kissing me on lips

"I told you"I said hugging him his big arms around my waist while my tiny arms around his neck

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