Chapter 5

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A bit less than 2 weeks after the names of the 16 young ladies were announced, Prince Jacen Schreave sat next to his mother and father anxiously awaiting the arrivals of the ladies. They were sitting in a couch at the front of a sitting room, while the Selected were busy getting prepped in the next room over. Jacen tried everything to keep his mind busy, even going so far as to try to bite his nails. But before he could get very far, his mother pulled his arm down and gave him a warning look. So, he put his hands in his lap and waited. 

After 10 minutes of waiting, a butler came in, and announced the ladies names as they entered the room. One after another, they walked up towards the front of the room, curtsied, and took a seat on some of the plush couches set up for the occasion. Once all the ladies entered, Queen Eadlyn stood up and began addressing the ladies.

"I, being born into royalty, have never participated in a Selection as a contestant. But I met many young men, including my husband, from all different walks of life. You ladies, all being from different walks of life, each will have your own chances to prove yourself to my son Jacen. Even though you are all different women and have different qualities, Jacen is looking for one specific woman, but he will not know who she is until he finds her. Do not discount yourselves from the competition just because you are different. You have been given the rules of the competition, and you must follow them to remain here at the palace. Also, please be mindful that the palace is still the place where we live and work, so be respectful and responsible while you are hear.  And without further adieu, I give you, Prince Jacen Schreave." Queen Eadlyn began clapping and the rest of the girls joined in. Then, taking Prince Eikko's arm, left the room, leaving Jacen to the 16 young ladies sitting before him.

"Good afternoon ladies." Jacen began hesitantly.

"Good afternoon." The ladies chorused back.

"Before we join my parents for a small tea party, I would like to take a few moments to get to know each of you. When I call you up, please join me on the couch. I will take a few minutes to speak with you, then send you back to your seat. Once we are done, we will join my parents in the parlor." Jacen said.

"First up, Kimberly Watson?"

"Yes." A petite girl with short black hair raised her hand, then walked up toward the front of the room. 

When she reached Prince Jacen, she immediately swept into a low curtsy, before straightening herself out and looking the prince in the eye.

"Lady Kimberly?" Prince Jacen asked.

"Yes, Your Highness?"

"You are from Angeles, correct?"

"That is correct, Your Highness."

"And what do you do for your profession?" Prince Jacen asked.

"I have not decide yet."

"Thank you Lady Kimberly. Please head back to your seat."

The rest of Prince Jacen's interviews went similarly, and when he excused the ladies for the tea party, Jacen sat back on a couch and wiped his brow. He had seen no standouts, and with only 16 girls to choose from, his job seemed nearly impossible. 

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