Chapter 16

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Jacen woke to the sound of a small voice echoing through the otherwise empty Hospital Wing. "Hello?" Jacen slowly sat up, head pounding, and quickly ran his fingers through his likely messy hair. "Who's there?" he called out, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from. He was greeted by Amberly, who walked in holding something in her hands. When she reached Jacen, she swept into a curtsy, then stood back up. When she stood up again and glanced at Jacen, she saw that all his attention was on her. She didn't seem flustered or nervous, and Jacen was happy to see a pleasant face. She presented him with a card and said, "Your Highness. We, the Selected, heard you weren't feeling well, and we heard that after a certain time, we would be allowed in to come visit you. The other girls were afraid to come see you, afraid that you would not want company. But, a few of us got together and made you a get well soon card. I volunteered to deliver it, and, well, here I am."

Jacen smiled weakly, keeping his eyes trained on Amberly. When she came in, she kept her hands together, and while she talked, she slowly unclasped them. She also came in looking at her feet, but while she was talking, she lifted her eyes to meet Jacen's. He could see that she was starting to come out of her shell, and he appreciated that. He also admired her braveness in coming to visit him, because she was right. They did not know what state he was in. He could have been in a coma, or he could have been in a state of mental unawareness, and be mad and throw things. Fortunately, he was fine mentally, but physically, he had a pounding headache, pain from where his surgery was, a broken arm, and a lack of self confidence. 

Jacen snapped himself out of his thoughts, and gathering words, stuttered. "Th-thanks." He cleared his throat, and tried again. "Tell the other girls that I say thank you." With a final curtsy, Amberly scurried out of the room without so much as a second glance. Once she was gone, Jacen was cursing himself. He was sure she was the One, but whenever he was near each other, he clammed up and couldn't think. He knew he liked her, but he wasn't sure if she felt the same was about him as he felt about her. As was becoming a theme these days, he was left with more questions than answers. 

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