Chapter 15

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Hey readers, I just finished reading The Last Virgin Standing by laughterandjynx. I am still crying from the ending that left me feeling like a piece of me had died. Anyway, that was why it took me so long to update. I am now listening to my sad music as I write this, trying my hardest not to bawl my eyes out. 

10 dates, 11 days, and then Jacen had to make a decision to send home 2 potential wives. These ladies that would get sent home would have to be set apart from the rest in a way that made it seem obvious to Jacen. He was no fool, but as the competition narrowed, he knew he would have to be careful, for one wrong step could cost him everything. He sat down on a couch in one of the halls, feeling lightheaded and seeing spots. After a minute of sitting down on the couch trying to gather his thoughts, he stood up again. He walked a few steps and fell. On his fall, his head hit a nearby table, and before he even thought to scream, Jacen Schreave collapsed on the floor. A second later, everything went black. 

Jacen woke up to the sound of a heart monitor beeping, and a few wires attached to his arm. Still groggy, he lay in bed for a few moments. In those few moments, he hear his mother talking to the doctor. 

"What do you mean?" Jacen's mother shrieked.

"I am just saying, I think you and Prince Eikko should begin thinking about what to do if Jacen doesn't make it through this." The doctor said. 

"Why wouldn't he?" Queen Eadlyn yelled.

"When he fell, he must've grabbed a table to steady himself. The table fell on top of him and pierced his skin very close to his heart; the corner was very sharp. Also, a vase on that table hit his head, then shattered. It punctured his skin near his eyes, and he may have gotten a concussion. We don't know at the moment, but he also may have punctured something more important in his body. He has a major break in one of his arms, so once he comes out of surgery to fix his arm, and to get the shrapnel from the table's broken glass and the broken vase out of him, we will have to keep him asleep to check out his heart and brain." The doctor said.

Jacen sat up in bed, but as he did, the room seemed to grow fuzzy around the edges. Jacen felt a sensation in his throat and stomach, and, with a sudden burst of energy, leaped up and ran to the bathroom, pulling the monitors with him. He heaved up everything he had eaten that day, and as he was coughing up everything in his stomach, his hand slipped, and before he knew it he was falling again. His head hit the marbled toilet, and as he slumped to the ground, the monitors crashed on top of him, pulling down the curtain and the rod that the bathroom had to protect it's guests privacy. Again, the room went black.

Jacen woke up again in the same bed, in the same hall, but something had changed. He saw his mother and the doctor yelling again, but he didn't hear anything. He looked at the monitor and could see that it was running diagnostics of his body, but he didn't hear the beeping. He sat up again, and saw that there were other people in the room talking, but he couldn't hear any of them. He tried to say something, but his voice was hoarse. He looked around and tried calling to someone, but nobody looked in his direction. He tried to sit up, but was forced back onto the bed when a nurse pushed him down and said something. Jacen couldn't hear any of what she was saying, and when he said, "What?" she just kept talking. She gave Jacen some pills and a glass of water. He downed the pills and slurped up the water. The nurse left, but the headache wasn't going away. Jacen tried to stand up, but another nurse pushed him back down to check his blood. She said a few words to Jacen, none of which he heard or understood. She left, and this time Jacen closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. A few more nurses came to check on him, and, assuming he was sleeping, left him alone. Once the hospital wing closed to visitors, and the doctor left the nurses in charge, all the nurses did a final check before going into the small office on the opposite side of the wing. Once he was sure they were all in the office, and they couldn't hear him, Jacen stood up and began making his way to the entrance, hoping to make it to his own bed. On the way there, he tripped on a blanket on the floor, grabbed at a nurse's cart, and slid to the ground. His head slammed against the ground, and, for the third time that day, the world went dark.

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