Chapter 33- Jacen's POV

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Hey guys! I know it has been a while since I have update, so feel free to reread last chapter for a refresher! (I did) Also, this chapter may show Jacen to be rude, but that was not my intention. Please remember that he is now in charge of the country, as regent, he has not yet chose his wife, and he has to worry about everyone in the palace. Jacen is still the same, nice, fun, Jacen he was, but he is a bit harder around the edges than before. Please don't change your views of him, as he is one of my favorite characters. (even though authors aren't really supposed to have favorites) I hope you like this chapter! Have fun reading!

---Monday Morning---

After the whole "incident" that left people hospitalized and sick, I, as regent, decided that it would be best to put the Selection on hold. It was a tough decision, but considering the fact that my father was still on the mend and my mother practically refused to leave his room, a few of the main rooms were ruined, because the smoke left marks everywhere and when the things exploded, they left dents in the walls, half the palace guards were in the infirmary, the kitchen had to be completely restocked, and I was holding down a palace that was complete chaos, as well as a country that was getting restless and worried due to the attack. 

I had sent the girls that were previously eliminated home, so now the only people that were left were the Final Four. Celeste, Carlee, Amberly, and Hayley. I knew who I was going to pick, but I had to wait for a good time. It was very hard not running to her and telling her and getting married on the spot. But rules are rules, and the rules of the Selection state that the Selector has to make his (or her, in my mother's case) decision in a live broadcast. I know my great- grandfather told my great-grandmother before the live announcement, but I want to do it right. I only get one chance, and I want to make it the best. 

A knock on the door to my (my mother's. I am only using it as regent) office, startling me and snapping me out of my thoughts. I take a deep breath and straighten my jacket. I pull a small mirror out of the desk and make sure I don't look like I was asleep. Once I determine myself to be presentable, I say, "Come in."

A butler walks in and closes the door behind him. He bows at me and then moves closer to the desk, standing on the other side, facing me. 

"Good morning, Your Highness." The butler says.

"Good morning to you as well." I respond. 

"Sir, I come to you with a small problem." The butler says. 

"What is it?" I say, feeling a bit irritated that this 'small problem' did not come from one of the members of the Cabinet, but rather a butler.

"Sir, one of the Selected is requesting to leave. Her maids found her this morning in her room having a completely packed bag and asking to speak with you. One of her maids found me as I was walking this way, and asked me to ask you."

"Ask me what?" I say, waiting for the butler to get to the point.  

"If she could leave." The butler says, as if it was obvious. 

"Which Selected is it?" I ask. 

"I do not know, sir." 

By now I am very irritated, both at the lack of knowledge this butler seems to have, and the fact that he assumes I will understand him without him being straight to the point. Just as I am about to lay into him about his ignorance, I take a deep breath and remember that I am supposed to be dealing with other problems, not butlers who don't know what they are doing. 

"Do you happen to know where the Selected is now?" I ask, hoping he knows what I am asking. 

"Yes, sir. She is in parlor formerly called the Men's Parlour."

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