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Shawn's POV:

*the next day*

Instead of going to the ice rink for practice, I maneuvered around it, and made my way to the basketball court, where I knew Damien would be. When I got there, he was standing by the court with his arm around a random girl, talking to a bunch of guys. I stormed towards them.

Damien: "oh, look what the cat dragged in"

Damien thought he was so tough, and that's what pissed me off. My hand formed into a tight fist. I took a few steps closer, so that I was right in front of him.

Damien: "ohhh I know why you're here, it's for that slut isn't it? I knew you guys were hooking up when we were together, now she's playing you too?" he said laughing

That is what really triggered me and tipped me over. Without a second thought, I threw my fist right at his nose.

Shawn: "don't call her that" I said as I walked away, leaving him on the ground with a bloody nose. 


Alexa's POV:

I didn't go to school today. Mom walked in when I was changing, and saw my bruise. I told her that I fell, but she insisted I still go to the doctor. When I got there, he had the results of my x-ray that was taken a month ago, and it wasn't at all what I was expecting.

Doctor: "it appears as though this bruise is not only an exterior one, as there is some damage done to your hip as well"

Alexa: "d-damage...?" I said nervously "w-what kind of damage..?"

I looked over to my mother, who looked just as nervous as I felt.

Doctor: "well, it appears as though you have a fracture on your hip, which is causing kidney failure in your right kidney. Unfortunately this is not something that will be able to heal on its own. If we do not act fast, the damage it is doing to your body could be fatal."

Mom: "f-fatal...?" My mom said, her voice whimpering, and her body quivering.

Alexa: "what are we supposed to do? What's gonna fix it?"

Doctor: "I'm afraid that the only solution is surgery. We'd have to remove the damaged kidney completely."

Mom: "but she already only has one kidney...."

I had to get a kidney removed as a child, and it literally took my entire life for my body to get used to only having one. Now what am I supposed to do?

Doctor: "in that case, you'd have to get a kidney transplant, and I'm afraid immediately."

Alexa: "don't I need a donor for that?"

Doctor: "yes, but with your case, the surgery must happen within the month, so we would need to find a match within the next 3 weeks. Do you have anyone in mind, or should we just look for anonymous ones?"

Mom: "I'll do it!"

Alexa: "no mom, I'm not taking your kidney. An anonymous one please."

Doctor: "okay, we'll get on that. Let's just run one final test, then you are free to go for the day"

Author's Note:
Hey y'all, thanks for reading chapter ten! Don't forget to comment and vote down below!
If you want to follow me on my socials, my Instagram is @1d.mendes_updates
and my Twitter is @OneDirecShawn98
Love you guys! -ShawnsDirectionxx

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