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Alexa's POV:

I stood up just as he reached the table.

Shawn: "sorry it took so long, there were some fans on the other side of the restaurant who wanted to take some photos" he said before leaning in to kiss me.

I dodged the kiss and looked at him with a look of disgust. I can't believe him, after everything he said, everything I said, he was going to use me, and he was lying to me.

Alexa: "you should be ashamed of yourself" I said before throwing his phone into his chest and storming out of the restaurant.

I tried to maintain my class and my dignity until at least the parking lot. Just as I was getting my keys out of my bag, I felt a tight grip get ahold of my wrist.

Shawn: "Ally, what's going on? Are you mad because I kept you waiting?" He asked, confused.

Alexa: "unbelievable" I scoffed "you got a text" I said before getting into the car and turning it on.

He looked at his phone.

Shawn: "shit" was all he said at first. "Ally please let me explain"

I didn't even answer. I just drove away. In the car was when I couldn't hold it in anymore. I burst into tears. I was crying so hard my head began pounding even harder, and my chest felt tight. I felt like I couldn't breathe.

My eyes were so full of tears that I could barely see anything in front of me. I heard a loud crash, and my entire body jolted forward. I hit my head to the steering wheel so hard that when I touched my forehead, it was wet. The smell of blood filled the car, and my hands were covered in it. I looked forward to see my car crashed into a pole. Before I could comprehend what had just happened, I got very dizzy and my head started to spin. Within seconds, everything went black.


Shawn's POV:

I sat in my parked car, unsure of what to do.

I felt so many emotions at once. I was pissed at Damien, I was angry at the timing of the whole thing, and I was devastated that Alexa was so mad at me. I've never seen her like this. I really hurt her, but not intentionally. It's really not what she thinks. I have to call her.

I tried calling about 20 times, no answer. The 21st time I heard Alexa's mother pick up the phone. Weird, why was she answering her daughter's cell phone.

Before I could say anything, she began talking.

Mrs. Coleman: "Shawn, honey, I'm on my way, but there's too much traffic. Where are you?"

Shawn: "Hi Mrs. Coleman, I'm still at the restaurant where Alexa and I were eating. Is she not home yet?" I asked confused. She left a while ago, she should be back by now.

Mrs. Coleman: "you mean you're not at the hospital?!" She said, the worrisome tone in her voice increasing.

Shawn: "no..." I said slowly "why would I be at the hospital?"

Mrs. Coleman: "oh dear lord" she said, obviously beginning to panic "Alexa's been in a car accident. I'm sorry honey, I have to go"

Shawn: "I'm on my way" I said before hanging up the phone and driving to the hospital. I definitely broke the speed limit on the way there, but that was the least of my worries at the moment.

Author's Note:
Thanks for reading chapter 30!
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Love you guys! -ShawnsDirectionxx

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