Welcome to a World of Rare Pairings!

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Hello my precious little victims! My gorgeous little readers! My fellow shippers and seekers of the rarest of pairings! My name is Evangeline Hisahoshi and in this little book here I have a special job.

To make you ship the unshippable

That's right! I'm taking two, or three, completely unrelated characters in the Pokémon franchise and shipping them together! For example, I can take Bianca and I can take Candice and smash them together into a ship! BOOM! You're already thinking about it, aren't ya!

Well I'm going to have a certain theme here, how I run these little chapters par se to try and make you ship it. Here's my format.


Ship Name:

Where they met:

Things in common:

Opposites that attract:

Fluff moment:

Heartbreaking moment:


So under each of those I will be writing out stuff to make you convinced that it is a good ship! Also where it says "moments" or "where they first met" that will be a oneshot bright to you by yours truly!

Now, this wouldn't be one of my books if requesting isnt involved! That's right! You can comment down below two characters you think it would be impossible for me to ship together and I will try my dang diddly darndest to prove you wrong!

But I have some rules for requests, just like always. But I try to be leeniant so here we are!

The Two/Three characters must have no, or maybe three or under, fansrts about them being together

The Two/Three Characters must have literally no interaction within the games, anime, or manga. Preferably not even in the same region.

If requested by the requestor, a little lime oneshot will also be included.

If requested by the requestor, I will try to doodle a little sketch.

The Two/Three Characters Must Be specified which version. For Example: In game Cilan is VERY different than the anime Cilan. Specify that if you can, if not I will always go with the in-game version of the character.

And that's about that! Those are my only rules and regulations! Now, gondown In the comments and tell me two characters you want to see in a romantic relationship! I will do everything in my power to make you ship it!

Oh, and one more thing. At the end of each and every ship I will ask you if you ship it now and to leave it in the comments. It really helps me I feel you do so, then it tells me that my writing skills are getting better. I also love to interact with you guys so if you just leave a nice little comment sometimes that will really make me happy.

Now, without further Adeu, it is time to get shipping the rare shippings!

Wait... You Can SHIP These Two!? [Pokemon Addition]Where stories live. Discover now