Caitlin x Volkner

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Caitlin: Elite Four Of the Unova Region. Psychic Type Mastery

Volkner: Eighth Gym Leader Of the Sinnoh Region

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Volkner: Eighth Gym Leader Of the Sinnoh Region. Electric Type Mastery.

 Electric Type Mastery

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Where they met:

Volkner was visiting Unova during his depressive slump. He had literally no inspiration nor motivation to battle. He had no use for being a gym leader. He thought if he battled around Unova for a little while he may just get his spark back. It was fine. Flint said he could cover the gym while he was away anyways.

Volkner decided to challenge one of the trainers from the elite four in this region. Maybe if he battled one of these trainers, he could get back his spark. That's how he started his love for battling when he was a kid anyways. Battling Bertha gave him that passion. Perhaps that's all he needed to do again to get the electricity flowing in his circuit.

He went to the Pokémon League of Unova and challenged the first one he saw to a Pokémon battle. She was a girl wearing pink with long, long hair. She seemed extremely tired and she was very, very small. SHe told him ahead of time she was the master of Psychic types.

The battle was heated. Volkner almost beat her if her last Pokémon didn't have his Pokémon asleep one hundred percent of the time. He never saw the Pokémon before. It was a Unova Specific Psychic Type. Volkner lost, but he didn't feel bad at all. He had that volt in his heels and pep in his step. He got back his motivation for battling once more.

The girl smiled and said her Name was Caitlin before falling asleep. She fell asleep standing there. Volkner returned his Pokémon and hers as well. He then picked up Caitlin and carried her all the way back to the home for the Unova Elite Four. He asked a very limber, vampire-like man where he could put her down and he said her room was down the hall. 

Volkner found her bed and set her down. He tucked Caitlin in and was about to leave but She reached out her hand and grabbed it. She was still asleep, but she didn't want to be alone. So Volkner grabbed a small wooden chair and sat next to her the whole time she was asleep, thankful that he battled her.

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