Chili x Lisia

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Chili: Unova Gym Leader/Waiter/Fire Type Master

Chili: Unova Gym Leader/Waiter/Fire Type Master

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Lisia: Contest Star/Wallace's Neice

Lisia: Contest Star/Wallace's Neice

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Ship Name:




Where they met:

Lisia was visiting Unova, like her uncle did once and found the love of his life. (HA HA THROWBACK TO BLACKSEASHIPPING!!!) So She was in Striaton City when she heard of an awesome resteraunt nearby. She walked in with a wide smile painted all over her face and Altaria walking right behind her. What? They have feet!

Chili was waiting tables when he saw Cress, Cilan, And a bunch of other people turn heads. Chili jumped on the bandwagon and saw a very pretty bluenette girl standing in the doorway in utter awe. Her outfit really was something spectacular. He saw Cress is his bow tie and slick back his hair. Cilan was practically confirmed for gay so he laid back. It was Cress chili was worried about. So as loudly as he could, he shouted:


Lisia heard someone shout and her gaze instantly redirected to the flaming redheaded boy running and slipping through tables to get to her. She saw a pouting bluenette and a green haired boy jusr nervously laughing. Her focus went back to the redhead. Woah! He was fast! He was already in front of her.

"Hello Miss, shall I show you to your table~?"

Lisia has to laugh. This was the best thing to happen ever. Chili deflated. He messed up again, didn't he! He didn't want to be the only one of his brothers tonight never have dated before! Why can't he bag a girlfirend!? Or boyfriend. He doesn't discriminate. #PansexualChili

"Oh my god that was awesome! Yeah, you can! And my name is Lisia!"

She cheered. Chili's grin reappeared as he grabbed her wrist and walked her around to the corner booth. Where he can pay her very close attention~. Lisia sat down and Altaria took the seat across from her. Chili handed her a menu.

"Huh, that's funny. Something isn't on this menu!"

Chili raised his eyebrow. Was it a misprinted one? He leaned over and skimmed over it. No, he was sure this was a normal menu. The whole resteraunt was watching the show right now and enjoying the hell out of it. Chili looked at Lisia and she was smirking. He was stumped. What wasn't on the menu?

"Your name cutie! What is it?"

And this was the start of a beautiful, beautiful relationship.

Things in common:


Opposites that attract:

Nothing because they are literally the same person in different regions with different genders. And families. (Oh my god Wallace's stepsons are going to be Cilan, Chili, And Cress)

Fluff moment:

Chili was taking his lunch break in the resteraunt. Lisia was sitting there with him. He brough little sandwiches cut into trinagles. You know, picnic food. But he can't take a picnic with a thirty minute break so this would be enough. It clearly was. Lisia's Minun And Pansear were sitting on the table, eating the sandwiches with them. Yeah, this was the perfect date.

"Lisia, I love you."

That literally came out of legit nowhere! Lisia just giggled, taking another bite out of her tiny triangle of a sandwich. She finished chewing and took a nice big sip of her soda. Then she smiled at chili with the biggest smile in the history of anime girl smiles. One of those smiles a girl gets after receiving praise from their crush kinda smile. One of those big smiles you can't wipe off. Chili loved her smile.

"I love you more, Chili!"

Chili almost choked on his sandwich. She was really going to start this again? Everyone in the resteraunt knew Chili well enough by now to know he wasn't going to let this go. Everyone looked over st the happiest couple in the world, about to watch the best episode of BangBangShipping to unfold.

"No. I love you more!"

Lisia pouted, not even bothering to take another bite. She crossed her arms and huffed. She blew a lose strand of hair out of her face. Wait, back uo a minute. Since when does she have a lose strand of hair in her face!? Oh well. At least it demonstrates her stubbornness.

"No way, Chili! I love you way more!"

Ooh, this was getting good! Waiter! Come bring me some popcorn! Chili raised an eyebrow, a sly smirk. This girl thinks she can love him more than he loves her? Ha! That was impossible! Chili loved Lisia more than literally everything else and anything else in the whole entire world! Nobody could love anyone as much as Chili loved Lisia!

"That's a lie, Lisia. I love you the mostest!"

Oh, dang. He used the mostest word! Nobody can beat the mostest! Lisia slumped back in her seat, taking a new sandwich and taking a bite off the Corner. Chili pumped a fist in the air in success, sitting  back down to enjoy a big slurp out of the draw of his soda. 

Victory was his!

Heartbreaking moment:

See this? It's called refusal. So have a nice Pokémon FANART of a bunch of dark types woth the dark type masters.

 So have a nice Pokémon FANART of a bunch of dark types woth the dark type masters

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Seriously? How is this seen as an impossible ship!? THESE TWO WERE MADE FOR EACHTOHER!!! They are so alike and so fitting it's hard not to see them as a major ship! Where's my fanart? Why isn't this ship mainstream yet? Share it EVERYWHERE!!! They are just so perfect for eachother! JUST LOOK AT THEM!!! I am gushing SO HARD RIGHT NOW BECAUSE WE FINALLY HAVE THE PERFECT PAIR FOR CHILI!!!

What about you? Do you ship it? Comment below! I really want to hear your thoughts and stuff below so please comment! Hey, why not leave a vote while you're here? Just sayin... thank you so much and I love you so much and have a wonderful day my lovelies!


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