Cilan x Miette

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Cilan: Unova Gym Leader Grass Type Master/Ash Companion

Cilan: Unova Gym Leader Grass Type Master/Ash Companion

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Miette: Kalos Showcase Star/Pokepuff Baker

Miette: Kalos Showcase Star/Pokepuff Baker

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Ship Name:




Where they met:

Cilan as visiting Kalos to discover new Pokémon and to better his strengths as both a gym leader and a conisseur. He happens to pass by a pokepuff baking competition and gets really inspired. He sees Miette, one of the competitors, after the competition. Miette lost so she isn't exactly feeling the best.

Cilan asks to have a taste and Miette looks at her pokepuff. She hands it to him and he takes a bite. Cilan is really happy and the pokepuff exploded with flavor. He explains in full detail why it's amazing and it makes her feel better. That's when Cilan asks Miette to show him how to bake pokepuffs she agrees. But only If Cilan can do one thing.

Miette asks if he knew Ash and Cilan replies he traveled with him in Unova. Miette asks to know everything about Ash and all his travels so she has a hope of getting together with no him instead of Serena. Cilan finds it an odd request, Burn fufills it happily. Anything to help someone who wants to help him.

Things in common:

Finesse; Chefs; Know Ash

Opposites that attract:

Has Rival vs Is Rival

Fluff moment:

Miette was baking a batch of pokepuffs specifically for electric types. Seriously, why didn't she try this before!? Ash's partner Pokemon is a Pikachu! So  Kettle was humming a tune to herself while mixing the batter in the the bowl. Slurpuff was walking around, snacking on the berries she didn't need.

Lately, since she met Cilan, she's been questioning her crush on Ash. Was it really worth all this? Should she just give him up to Serena? She doesn't even love him that much. She just wanted to beat Serena. She's talked to Cilan bout all this like he was a psychiatrist. In the end, he simply said just do what her heart says. Her heart says make electric type pokepuffs, so she was. But if they truly were for Pikachu was the real question.

Cilan walked into the kitchen with a singular red rose in his hand. He saw Slurpuff. The Pokémon as about to cheer at his arivak but he put a finger up to his lips. Slurpuff got the motion and stayed quiet. Pansage came in after him with a bucket of berries in his arms. Both of them just came back from a mission.

Cilan walked up behind Miette, trying to surprise her. He quickly wraped his arms around her waist and showed her the rose. Her gasp and face was priceless! The skinny dorky boy rested his head on her chin in hopes to see her full reaction. She reached for the rose and picked it up, a smile spreading over her lips.

"Cilan, you didn't have to!"

She took the rose and twirled it between her fingers. That's when Pansage jumped onto the counter and placed the large basket of assorted berries in front of her. That just made everything a whole lot better! Now if Miette wasn't smiling she would be Soulless! Cilan loosened his grip and took his head off her shoulder.

"Like it?"

Miette was at a loss for words. Like it!? She loved it! Getting a basket of berries is any pokepuff chef's birthday wish! And the rose was absolutely beautiful! If she didn't know any better she would be swooning right here for the greenette conisseur! She turned around and picked him on the cheek as a Thanks. It was the least she could do.

"Love it, Thanks Cilan."

She turned back around to finish working. Cilan let her go and placed his hand on his cheek. He had this big, dopey grin that nobody could ever wipe off.

He was in love.

Heartbreaking moment:

Cilan walked over to the plane, his bags rolling with him. Miette was behind him, holding the rose he had gotten her. Why did he have to leave so soon? Cilan turned around with a frown to see  Kettle on the verge of tears. Cilan rushed back over to her to wipe them away. He hated this. He wanted to stay. But duty calls.

"Please don't cry. I'll be back next year. Same time, I promise."

Miette put her hand over Cilan'sm which was resting in her cheek. Her tears eyes looked into his. He looked like he wanted to cry, but he wasn't going to. Cilan was staying strong. Heh. He really was a Million times better than Ash could ever be.


She took her other hand and held out her pinkie finger. Cilan smiled sadly and left go of his bag, making sure it was stable first. He took his pinkie finger and wraped it with hers, shaking on it as if it was a proper handshake.


Cilan took both his hands away and smiled at her one more time before turning around to leave for his flight. He had to get back to Unova. He has a job to do. He had to work the Striaton Resteraunt with his brothers. It was his job. There was no getting out of it.

Miette watched Cilan walk away. She had tears in her eyes. She looked over and saw Ash and Serena by the escalators. She watched Serena climb back up and kiss Ash on the lip she before leaving. Miette clenched her fists at her sides.

It wasn't that she loved Ash. He could go die in a hole for all she cared! It was the fact that Serena got exactly what she wanted, like always. Serena always gets what she wants while Miette is standing over here having to wait a whole year for Cilan I come back Andy she's has no friends other than him!

It's not fair! It's not fair! It's not fair! It's not fair!


I never knew how comparable these two were until I got this request. This one was kind of fun! Even though I procrastinated on it. Sorry, but a girl has to sleep! Anywho I had fun while writing this and I hope you had fun reading this. Cilan helping Miette get over Ash by replacing him in her heart with himself is just a genius thing I can see Cilan doing for her. 

What about you? Do you ship it now? Comment wether you do or don't below! Don't forget to drop a vote if you like this! Thank you so so so so much for reading and I love you all! Internet hugs and screen smooches!


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