Acerola x Silver

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Acerola: Alola Elite Four/Trial Captain/Ghost Type Master

Acerola: Alola Elite Four/Trial Captain/Ghost Type Master

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Silver: Johto Rival

Silver: Johto Rival

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Where they met:

Silver took one look around and scoffed. Everyone was too laid back. Nobody here was serious. People in bathing suits, laughing, not caring about battling or getting stronger in th slightest. It made him question humanity even more than he already does. Silver just kept walking. The only reason he was in this blasted region was because he heard off  battle tree where people across regions come back to hone their skills. Word gets around quick that champions and elite four come here as well. If Silver can just battle his way through the tree just once maybe he could become the strongest trainer in any region. That's when a small girl came up to him.

"Excuse me, have you seen a Mimikyu round here? Mine ran off!"

Silver scoffed. He didn't have time for this. He just walked around the littke girl without saying a word. A Mimikyu was an Alola native Pokemon. He didn't care about catching his Pokemon. He was determined to make his team the strongest team in the world, even if it kills him. But the girl clearly wasn't having it. She snatched his wrist and giggled a giggle that was just pure creepy.

"I asked you a question. DId you or did you not see a Mimikyu?"

Silver turned around and saw her whole demeanor changing. She was real scary now. Silver shook his head, some fear going through him. THe littke girl let him go, changing back to her happy self like a flick of the switch.

"Okay, thank you! Oh miiiiiiiiimikyuuuuuuuuu~"

She walked off. Silver looked at his wrist and then back to where the girl was. He never wanted to see her again.

Things in common:

I got nothin.

Opposites that attract:

Tsundere vs Deredere; Cute vs Cool

Fluff moment:

Acerola found her Mimikyu! It was hiding from her! Now, with her team full, she could go to the battle tree to toughen up for the league challengers! While she was walking towards the battle tree with Mimikyu in hand she saw the redheaded boy from before. She was quite mean to him, wasn't she? She just was looking for her precious Pokémon! She's not herself when she was worried. She should probably apologize to him.

Silver was about to walk in when he heard a voice behind him. He turned and saw the annoying and scary girl from before. Greeeeeeeat. Scared of her chasing him down if he just leaves, Silver waited for the littke girl to catch up to him. She skipped over with a Pokémon in her arms. That's must be Mimikyu.

"Hey Mister! Sorry about before! I'm Acerola, Alola Elite Four!"

Silver did a double take. This was one of the Alola region's elite four!? There was no way. Silver raised an eyebrow and the girl just giggled. She took out two pokeballs, returning the alola Pokémon and bringing one out that she thought Silver May recognize. Frosslas, an ice/ghost dual type.

"I'd like to know your name!"

Silver looked at the Frosslass. It had to be at least level sixty or higher. It glared into Silver's soul, being extremely protective of its trainer. Silver gulped before regaining his stubborn composure. This was actually happening right now.

"I'm Silver, the strongest trainer to exist."

Acerola giggled and rose an eyebrow. If that was true, then he would have done thenisland challenge. She didn't see one of the little charms on him anywhere. Frosslass and Acerola extange a look. They clearly both have the same idea.

"Prove it!"

Now this was more of Silver's language. His first battle in Alola, against an elite four nomenclature of the less. If he wasn't stronger after this than he did be damned to an eternity in hell with Giovanni. Silver took out a pokeball and sent out Feralligtr.

It has begun.

Heartbreaking moment:

Silver scoffed. Acerola, the ghost type elite four, was hanging onto his leg for dear life. Silver was ready to go. He destroyed every person in this damned Battle Tree with ease. He thought this was going to be a challenge. Guess not. But Acerola really didn't want him to leave Alola for some reason.

"Come on ya gotta stay! Mimikyu will miss you! Frosslass will miss you!"

Silver just kept trudging. Everyone in the Alola airport was staring at the two of them. How embarrassing. Acerola had An impressive grip, because Silver has been trying to shake her off for a while now. Acerola was filled with DETERMINATION!!!!

"I'll miss you!"

Silver could care less if a little girl missed him. Sure, Elite Four And all that stuff. But he left behind people before. They never missed him. Nobody cared where he was. Stay or leave. Why should Acerola be the first person to care?

"No you won't. Let me go."

Acerola stsred him in the eye. She was crying. Clearly, Silver didn't buy it. Acerola really liked Silver. Nobody has ever left her before. Right now this was just sad. She never liked saying goodbye. But Silver clearly wanted to go. If he wanted to leave her behind, who was she to stop him? She let him go.

"Bye Silver. I'll miss you."

Silver left without looking back.


I don't ship it. I can't see them as anything but problematic. I can see Acerola crushing in Silver but the redheaded tsundere not giving a flying fuck about Acerola except the fact she is Elite Four. I know a lot of people like the idea of Silver softening up with love, and I like it too, but I can't see him loving Acerola. I just don't see it.

What about you? Do you ship it? If you do, comment below! Hey, since you're already on the chapter why don't you send a vote my way? I love you all and thank you for reading this crappy thing!


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