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Sorry I post crap but I promise from now on I'm gonna try to do better

In this story charlie and Leo are not famous btw

Monies~ peace and love xx


Charlie finished putting on his suit. His suit was white and had Music note/piano patters. He had on a black and white mask that covered his face but you could see his bright blue eyes. His hair was medium length and was messy but cute. He sighed and said to himself, "I can't believe I'm going to a stupid banquet just to humiliate myself." He walked downstairs and walked into the living room. Suddenly he heard knocking. He opened it and saw Ana his girlfriend.

She was wearing a black dress with a black mask covering her face. "Hey babe!" She said smiling. "Hey you ready to go?" He asked her while stepping outside and locking the door of his apartment. "Yup" Ana said.

They started walking down the street to charlies car. "Hey can I take this mask off until we're at the banquet?" Charlie asked Ana with a frown on his face. Ana giggled. "Sure"

"phew" charlie said. Ana and charlie took of their costume masks. (Ana got invited to a banquet because she's a famous YouTube star) and since her and charlie are dating Charlie is her date.

Ana put her mask in her little handbag she was carrying and charlie put his costume mask in his pants pocket. Charlie and Ana got to charlies car. He opened the car door for her. "Thank you kind sir" Ana said in a funny accent and got in the car. Charlie closed her car door and went around the car and got in the drivers seat and shut his door.

He started the car and started driving. "Hey wanna hear music?" Charlie asked Ana. "Yeah" Ana said.

Charlie put on the radio and him and i by Halsey. "I love this song!"charlie said smiling. him and Ana sang along to the song until they arrived at the ballroom where the banquet was being held.

charlie stopped the car and took out the keys from the ignition. he stepped out of the car, closed the car door, went around the car and opened Anas door. She got out and he closed the door. he set the car alarm. they then started walking up the stairs, when suddenly Ana stopped walking. "What is it?" he asked concerned. "We need to put on our costume masks" Ana said. "Oh right" he said. they both put on their masks and went inside the building. It was huge. The place was filled with people in ball gowns, suits, and wearing costume masks. "I'm really intimidated" charlie said shyly. "All these people are classy and beautiful and rich and I had pizza in my boxers today"

"Charlie you're amazing. Don't be intimidated by these strangers. Ok just look at this way. No one will know it's you so who cares." Ana said.

Charlie took a deep breath. "You're right. Thanks." Charlie said smiling.

"No prob" Ana said smiling. Ana kissed charlie on the lips and he kissed back. They pulled away after a few seconds. "Come on let's go Mingle." Ana said. She grabbed charlies forearm and lead them both to a group of people.

They were talking to Ana not even acknowledging charlies presence but suddenly a boy with brown hair looked at him, sneered and said rudely, "what kinda stupid outfit is that?"

Charlie was deep in thought but he snapped out of his daze when he heard what the guy said. "Excuse me?" Charlie said in a light angry voice while glaring at the guy that was wearing a green suit with a green mask that had yellow decoration on the side of it. He looked like Robin Hood.

"You heard me" Robin Hood said in a challenging tone. "Where did you come from? Phantom of the opera?" Robin Hood said.

Charlie growled. He was boiling with anger. He started Clenching his fists and felt his body tense up, "well at least I don't look like fucking Robin Hood. What are you just here to steal and then gonna go give it to the poor?!" charlie spat angrily.

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