im gonna buy a fast car and i'll drive part 3

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leo pov

i was in the studio recording my new song. but i kept forgetting the lyrics and messing it up. i got frustrated and screamed while i thew the headphones against the wall. i rubbed my hand down my face. "sorry. i didn't me-"

"thats ok bars just try again." the producer said from the other side of the booth through a mic. when i heard him call me bars i got mad again. "don't call me that!" i said angry. the producer sighed through the mic and said "take a break leo."

i nodded and got out of the booth. i fell back against a couch that was in the room and got on my phone. i got on my twitter and i scrolled through my feed. nothing interesting. i decided to look at my dms. i clicked on the first one that said "please read leo!"

it read: "leo if you're reading this just know i love you and support you no matter what but you need to make up with charlie. you're not bars without your melody. i love you no shade (:"

i deleted the message then moved onto the next one. it read: "i used to love you but not anymore. ever since you started dating carla you completely abandoned charlie who was your best friend. have you forgotten that he saved you from killing yourself? he was like the angel god sent you. but i think it's messed up that you tossed him aside now that you don't need him anymore. charlie is going through the exact same thing you did. now i think it's time to return the favor and save him just like he saved you."

i just stared at the message for so long that the words starting getting blurry. i suddenly saw a tear drop onto the screen. was i really crying? i felt my heart and stomach clench. i swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat. i put my phone in my pocket and wiped my eyes quickly.

"hey leo you ok?" one of the music engineers asked me concerned. "i'm fine." i tried to say firmly but when i spoke my voice trembled. "i gotta go." i said pulling my hood of my hoodie up so it was covering my head and kept my head down. i quickly walked out of the studio. i ran outside and got in my car. charlie bought it for me for my 17th birthday. i sat in the car for a while trying to figure out where i should go. i know i thought to myself. i started my car and drove.

to be continued

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monies~ peace and love xx

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