I shouldve kissed you

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Charlie was sitting on his bed in his apartment in Germany. He kept replaying the goodbye between him and leo.


Charlie was holding his packed rolling suitcase and leo was standing too. "Uh," leo said awkwardly "I guess this is goodbye." "Nah, we're gonna face time every night remember." Charlie said and lightly chuckled. "Oh, uh, yeah." Leo said. Suddenly he thew himself at charlie and hugged him tightly. Charlie was shocked at the sudden form of affection but hugged him back. They let go of their hug. "So, see ya I guess." Charlie said.

"Yeah see ya." Leo said weakly smiling. Charlie turned around and walked out of their hotel room.

End of flashback

Charlie groaned and fell back on his bed. He rubbed his face stressfully. He logged into instagram and started looking through his feed hoping to get rid of the memories of what happened between him and his bandmate. Suddenly he saw, a picture of him and carson lueders, backstage. Carson had his arm around leo and leo was smiling.

The captain read: my savior ❤️

"What's Carson doing with lee backstage?" Charlie thought aloud confused.

He quickly tried to FaceTime leo, but he didn't answer.

"Ok charlie, you're just overthinking things, it's probably nothin." Charlie said to himself. He turned on the tv and flipped through the channels and landed on the teen music festival. He saw leo, and Carson singing, together, on stage, and they looked really 'friendly' they were singing right for you. Which was his and leos song.

The host of the show was interviewing them after they finished performing. "So, leondre, i see Charlie isn't with you? Why is that?"

"Well charlie moved to Germany, so i had Carson here fill in." Leo said. "Yeah, I'm kinda like the harmony to his bars. And in my opinion, a harmony is much better then a melody." Carson said and laughed.

"NO IT'S NOT" Charlie screamed at the tv fuming with anger. He quickly turned off the tv and tried calling leo but it went to voicemail. "No, no, this is all my fault, I should've kissed you leo!." Charlie yelled and then thew his phone to the ground in anger. It cracked right through the screen, Charlies phone screensaver was a picture of him and leo,, so now the photo had a crack in it too.

The end

Ugh bad ending I know

Next one shot will be cute and happy

Thanks guys for reading 💙

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