amnesia part 3

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in the airport

victoria: have we got everything?

everyone except leo: yup

leo: i...think so. (doesn't look where he's going and bumps into someone and falls down)

random boy: hey watch where you're going!! (angry)

leo: i-i-im sorry (scared)

leo gets a flashback to when he was in primary school

kids pushing leo against the lockers and beating him up

young leo: please stop (crying)

the kids just laugh at him and kick and punch him while calling him names.

end of flashback

the random boy: hey what are you crazy? i was talking to you!

leo:(snaps out of his thoughts)

the random boy kicks leo in his leg.

leo winces in pain and starts crying.

the random boy is about to hit him again but charlie shows up.

"what the hell man leave him alone" charlie shouts angrily at the random boy

"aww so cute, you're sticky up for your lover" the random boy said. he was about to punch charlie in the face but charlie kicked him in the manhood and he fell over in pain.

"oh, and btw we're bars and melody, the bars and melody." charlie said darkly to the random boy who was still on the airport floor groaning in pain.

charlie ran over to leo. "are you ok" he asked leo worriedly. leo shook his head no. "my leg hurts really bad." leo said. "can you stand up?" charlie asked him. leo tried to stand up but immediately screamed in pain and fell back down. "let me carry you." charlie said already getting ready to pick leo up. leo was hesitant but gave in and said ok. charlie picked leo up bridal style and started walking back to victoria and tilly with leo in his arms. he got a few stares from people but he didn't care, he just was worried about leo.

to be continued

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