impossible (song one shot)

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—at the recording studio—

Leo walked out of the recording booth. He was walking up to charlie to tell him he sang good on his part of the song they were recording, but stopped in his tracks when he saw Ana and charlie through the booths glass window, making out. Leo felt his heart drop down to his stomach at the disgusting sight he was seeing.

He had tears streaming down his face. He ran back to his booth, ripped the door open, went inside it, and slammed door shut behind him locking it in the process. He kicked a stool that was in there and knocked it over. He couldn't see his vision was blurry and his eyes were burning. He was breathing heavily and had the urge to scream, to smash something, but instead he just slid down the wall and cried in his hands.

Charlie and Leo were dating since they were 14 and 16. They started dating a few months after they met and then they were dating still during their time on BGT. They kept their relationship a secret though. Because they were afraid they would lose their fans, etc. Leo started hanging out with this girl named Carla and charlie was heartbroken and super jealous. One night some fan recorded a video of Them kissing and sent it to charlies phone. He saw it and when Leo went back to the hotel. Charlie accused Leo of cheating. Leo told charlie it was just one time and she kissed him but charlie said he was lying and they broke up. They've been broken up ever since.

Leo got up from the floor after he was done crying and picked up the headphones that were on the microphone. The producer was in the room where they put songs on a cd. The record button was on but Leo started rapping with a breaking voice.
He rapped:
You called me boo
Said I was your true, love
Thought you were an angel sent from above,
I remember years ago I thought it was the end for me,
But you helped me see, clearly back then,
Remember when you said you'd always be there for me,
But now you're just making out with hook up number 3,
Accused me of cheating? please I bet you were just waiting for an excuse to get rid of me
It's impossible, for me to be happy, when everyone just lies to me,
Hopeful, yes I am, but not today, it's because of you I'm feeling this way

He was crying and chocking back tears as he rapped the last line. He didn't realize the record button was on and everyone (including Charlie) heard his rapping.

Charlie and Ana stopped kissing as soon as they heard leos rapping booming through the recording booth. Leo saw the the red record button was on and he had a look of horror on his face. No no no no no. He thought to himself over and over again in his head. He looked out the glass see through window and saw Charlie was looking straight at him. Charlie had a unreadable expression on his face. Leo ran out of the booth and ran out the door. He heard Charlie calling his name but he kept running. He had to get away from the person that made the one thing he thought was impossible, possible. And that was: heartbreak.

The end

I wrote the song lyrics

And I know I kinda used bars and Melody's lyrics but I changed them a little bit

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