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Note in this one shot Charlie and leo aren't famous and don't know each other. they are in their 20s. btw i don't know how a doctor checks a injured leg so i'm sorry if this is incorrect.

Ugh again really. Charlie thought to himself. It was probably the third time he broke his knee, or foot, whatever. He was currently sitting in the doctor's office waiting for the doctor to come in. the doctor came in and charlie thought he was really cute. he had dirty blonde brownish hair that was styled to the side and he had brown eyes, he was wearing a doctors coat. "hey i'm dr. devries" the doctor said. "hi" charlie said nervously. "you need to stop coming here so often." the cute blonde-brown haired doctor said humorously and chuckled lightly. charlie laughed along. "no i love injuring myself and being on crutches." charlie said sarcastically. "lay on your back for me." the cute doctor said walking towards the table that charlie was sitting on top of. charlies eyes slightly widened and his stomach immediately filled with butterflies from nervousness, "what?" charlie stuttered. the doctor young looking doctor looked at him like he was insane, which he probably was. "so i can check your knee and see the damage of it."   "of course" charlie said still nervous. snap out of it charlie this is a doctor not a guy you wanna date at a club or bar. charlie told himself sternly in his head. he laid on his back on the table. "now i'm just gonna try different ways to move your leg, i'll be gentle but tell me when it hurts ok." the doctor said looking at him with soft eyes. charlie just nodded yes. the doctor slowly lifted his leg and charlie felt pain shoot up his leg. he cursed to himself. the doctor slowly let go of his leg. "yup it's definitely not bruised or sprained, i think it's broken but we should do X-rays just to be sure." the doctor said smiling sympathetically at charlie. charlie groaned annoyed. he really hoped this time it was just bruised or sprained, but nooo, it had to broken. great, he's not gonna be able to play basketball now. "i'm really sorry mr lenehan." the doctor said. man he sounded hot saying that. charlie thought to himself. "please call me charlie." charlie said. "ok, charlie." the brown eyed beauty said smiling brightly. "well i'll see you when you get back from X-rays." the doctor said and was almost out the door until charlie said, "wait, what's your name?" the blonde -brown haired doctor turned around, smiled at charlie and said, "my names leondre, but i go by leo." then he was out the door and disappeared down the busy hallway of the hospital.

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