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The Fighters Girlfriend

Cameron's POV

"So he kissed you?" Mary asked me as we were sitting on the couch watching some tv show that we weren't even paying attention to

"Yeah, he kissed me. Like full on made out with me."

"And you kissed him back?"

I groaned and covered my face with my hands "Yes, Mary, I kissed him back."


I rolled my eyes and stood up, then walked into the hole in a wall, also known as our kitchen. I rummaged through the cabinets and fridge for something to eat.

"Mary, do we have anything to eat in this shithole?" I shouted to Mary who was on her phone.

"Cereal." She simply responded. I groaned again.

"I'm gonna have to go shopping tomorrow." I mumbled to myself while making a bowl of cereal. I opened the fridge to get milk, to find that we didn't have milk. I groaned, yet again. I took my bowl of dry cereal and sat on the couch next to Mary.

"Why the hell are you eating dry cereal?" Mary asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No freaking milk."

"Of course." Mary stood up, then stretched and looked at me. "I'm gonna go to sleep. I have work in the morning. Goodnight."

"Night, Mary." she walked into her bedroom and closed the door. I sighed and turned the tv channel to MTV. Nothing interesting was on, just another episode about a teenage pregnant girl with a fucked up life and a douche of a boyfriend. Nothing new. I soon passed out on the couch with the bowl of half empty cereal on my neck.

I woke up with the sun in my eyes, blinding me.

"Fucking sun" I mumbled as I closed the curtains. I ran my hands over my face to wake me up a bit. I yawned and stretched, then walked into my bedroom. I grabbed a clean change of clothes, then walked into my bathroom and turned the shower on. it takes a while to heat up, so it's best to turn it on a while before I get in. I started to brush my hair, making weird faces when I find a knot. when my hair was knot free, I started to brush my teeth. I finished brushing my teeth and took my clothes off. I stepped into the shower, and started washing myself. I turned the water off when I was cleaned and rinsed my hair out. I got out of the shower and started drying myself with a towel. when I was dried, I put my black skirt on and a white shirt. I tucked the white shirt into my skirt and twirled so my skirt did the thing. I giggled to myself and blow dried my hair. I put it in a side braid, falling down my right shoulder and applied makeup. I finished and walked back into my bedroom. I put some no show socks on and slipped my black toms on. I grabbed my little purse and put my phone and credit card in, then put it over my left shoulder. I walked out and grabbed my keys, then walked out of the loft. I closed the door and locked it. I got into the elevator and pressed the lobby button. I waited for it to get to the first floor. when the doors opened, I walked into the car parking lot and walked towards my car. I got in, started it, then drove out of the lot and towards the grocery store.

I was checking out my groceries when someone familiar caught my eyes. I gasped and walked towards the person.

"Uh.. ma'am. y-your groceries." the checkout lady said. I ignored her and looked at Daniel who was with a girl, kissing her, and it wasn't Mary.

"Danny?" I asked with confusion. his eyes widened as he looked at me.

"C-cameron. um. what a surprise." he stuttered.

"What the hell is this?! who is this!!?" I started to shout.

"Please don't tell Mary." He grabbed my shoulders.

"Fuck you!" I pushed him and walked back to my groceries. I grabbed the bags and walked out of the store. I opened the trunk to my car, and put my bags in there.

"Cameron, please!!" Daniel shouted.

"Fuck off." I mumbled and got into the car. I flipped him off, then drove away.

A few hours later, Mary came home. I was sitting on the couch waiting for her. Daniel kept texting and calling, begging me not to tell. that fucker.

"Cameron, Daniel called me. he said not to believe whatever you said?" she sounded confused. poor Mary.

"I caught him cheating." She started laughing.

"what? no, Daniel wouldn't do that." she kept laughing.

"Mary, I saw it. I wouldn't lie to you, you're my best friend. I can prove it too! just read all the texts he's been sending me." I gave her my phone. she read through them and her smile soon went away. she gave me my phone back and walked towards her room. "Mary? do you want to talk about it?" I asked her.

"I just want to be alone." she mumbled and slammed her door.

I sighed and turned the tv on. how could someone just cheat on someone? I don't understand it. if you don't want to be with that person anymore, break up with them. don't cheat.

I soon felt my phone vibrate. I look at it and saw that Jay had texted me

Jay: Hey, are you busy? :D

I quickly sent a text back

Me: a little. can you bring some chocolate ice cream over? Daniel cheated on Mary :/

He texted back saying OK. I turned the tv to MTV again. this time Teen Wolf was on. finally something good. Not much longer, Jay was knocking on the door.

"ITS OPEN!" I screamed. he walked in with a target bag in his hand.

"how is she?" he asked

''Been locked in her room ever since I told her." I grabbed the ice cream and Jay and I walked towards her bedroom door. I knocked softly then opened the door. "Mary? Jay brought ice cream." I said once I saw her on the bed. I sat next to her and started to move her hair out of her face. Jay sat at the foot of the bed. Mary sat up and grabbed the ice cream and started to eat it.

Jay and I talked to Mary for a while, trying our best to cheer her up. She soon passed out. Jay and I were sitting on my bed with coldplay softly playing in the back.

"We should talk. about the kiss, y'know." Jay said. I looked at him and nodded. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach. Was he going to say he wished it never happened? It was a mistake? He thought it was awful? After the kiss had happened, Jay took me home and that was that. The car ride was silent.

"What about the kiss?" I asked.

"Well it was amazing. I just wanted to ask you something." He started to play with my blanket. he finally looked up at me and opened his mouth to say something. "I wanted to ask you if.. if you um.. maybe wanted to be my uh.. girlfriend?" he was nervous. it was pretty cute, to be honest.

Jay and I had only met a week ago. we knew nothing about each other. if we dated, it would possibly end badly. I liked him, but was it worth it? was it worth the risk?

"Jay.. maybe we should get to know each other better. we only just met. Trust me, I would love to be your girlfriend. I really like you. but maybe later." I looked up at him with sad eyes. he sighed and nodded.

"Understandable. We'll wait." He smiled and kissed the top of my head. "Let's play 21 questions" He winked and sat up. I laughed and nodded.




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