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The Fighters Girlfriend

Chapter 7

Cameron's POV

"Um, excuse me miss, do you know where The Fault In Our Stars is by any chance? My daughter wont shut up about it." A lady said to me while i was putting books on a shelf.

"Its literally right in front of you! Its on every freaking shelf in the store! How can you not see it!?" I probably shouldn't of shouted at the poor innocent lady, but i was not in a good mood this morning. Jay kept me up, and plus i started my period in the middle of the night. I was angry and wanted a cookie, but that wasn't happening anytime soon.

"Oh, i suppose they are. I'm sorry." She scurried away and collected the book she wanted, then checked out.

"Cameron, what the hell was that?" My boss said. I groaned and continued to put books on a shelf.

"Sorry, Sam. Just in a bad mood."

"Well don't take it out on my costumers." He snapped, then walked away.

"Don't take it out on my costumers." I mocked in a high pitched voice.

Don't get me wrong, I love Sam, hes so nice and really cool, but today is just a bad day. I guess you've realized that i work at a book store. Its a nice little store. Well, its not that little. There's also a starbucks in here. I get a 20% discount off everything in the store, including the cafe.

I stood up and fixed my shirt, then walked around seeing if any books were out of order. Surprisingly, none were. Mostly there would be tons of books in random places. Kids would pick up a book, decide they didn't want it, and just put it down in a random place. It irritated me since i was the one who always had to clean it up. I looked at the clock on the wall and groaned. 3 more hours.

"Cameron, I heard that!" Sam shouted from somewhere. I smiled and walked around some more. I went into the music/movie section and looked around. I found what i wanted and quickly grabbed it, at the same time some teenage girl did.

"Can you please let go?"i asked sweetly.

"Um, no. this is the last one. I've been waiting forever to get this CD. You let go." She spat.

"No, its mine!"




i pulled harder then i intended and we both went flying backwards. the CD flew in the air. I quickly got up, and dived for the CD. I smiled when it landed in my hands.

"HA!" I screamed in her face then started dancing.

"Crazy bitch." she muttered, before walking out.

"Cam, if Sam saw that, your ass will be grass." My coworker, Nick, said. I laughed and hugged the CD.

"I honestly don't care, I'm just happy that i won."

"Its a 5 seconds of summer CD, i think you would of survived if you let her have it."

"NO FUCK HER! I HAD IT FIRST!" i screamed.

"Okay, okay, sorry." He checked it out for me, and i went into the break room. I opened my locker and put the CD in it. I slammed the door shut, then walked back out.

"Are you busy tonight?" Nick asked.

"I think so. Mary just got out of a relationship and needs me right now. But i'll text you when I'm free, yeah?" I told him. He nodded, then walked away.

I went behind the counted, and began to check peoples things out. I did that until my shift was over. I hopped over the counter dramatically and heard my coworkers laughing, even Sam. I walked towards the doors and waved to them.

"See ya lat-" my sentence got cut when i ran into something. I looked up and saw it was Jay. "Oh, hey Jay." I waved.

"I was going to pick you up and take you home, if that's okay?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. We walked out, and I got into his car.

Jay's POV

"So, how was work?" I asked her as we drove towards her house.

''Fine. I fought some teenager for an album, and yelled at an innocent lady." She laughed. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"I got you a cookie." The look on her face was just amazing. She had told me that her period started and all she wanted was a cookie, but she knew she wasn't going to get one. So i decided to get her one.

"Really? Its mine?" She asked as she took the cookie.

"All yours."

"Thank you." She said with a mouth full of cookie. I laughed while looking at her. "KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD!" She shouted. I nodded, and looked back at the road.

"So, nothing happened today? No one weird looking came in?" I asked.

"No, not that i remember."

"No one talked to you?"

"Just my coworkers and some people asking for help. Jay, whats wrong?" She asked in a soft voice. I gripped the steering wheel so tight that my knuckles were turning white. Jack talked to me today, saying hes was going to check up on Cam. It scared me, but i couldn't leave work to check on her myself. So i had to wait till i was off, and i went to Cam's work as fast as i could. Well, shes okay, that's all that matters.

"Nothing" I lied through my teeth.

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