Chapter 10

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Her feet sink into the hot sand she loves the warmth, and I don't mind it though the sun is setting and it's taking away some of the warmth. She's just trying to enjoy the beauty. Ecstasy loves it too. The water and the sun, this mysterious powder that surrounds him, he's too real young to really know what it is though. "This is the perfect place." Our landing was kind of scary, but apparently it's known for its odd way of landing planes. Regardless we got off fine and we're enjoying our time even if it's only been fifteen minutes. "I love it." She smiles. I didn't even come up with the idea, Kylie Jenner gave it to me. She talked about how beautiful it is out here, how she vacationed here once with her family and it was just so gorgeous. Her and her little family might even come out to visit us for a few days. We've become good friends, she ain't Kylie to Ecstasy who loves when she gets to visit or when she visits him sometimes she FaceTimes just to see his smile. She's his second mommy, if anything ever happened to me and Mel Kylie would probably take him, she would just snatch him up right away because he loves her so much it would give him an easier life. I know my family and friends would all jump for him but they would be giving up so much, too much for me to ever ask that of them.

"I'm glad." I smile kissing her cheek down her neck. "I love you." I mumble it against her skin. I can't help it we're engaged and I do love her so much she's just everything to me. She's so beautiful, and kind, delicate, and soft. She makes my heart happy. "Should we go inside?" I smile looking over at Ecstasy and then back at the sunset, it's so beautiful.

"Can we just stay here a little longer?" She holds my arms around her waist. She's calm and she's enjoying the moment. She wants the cuddles she worries she won't be given again and she wants the kisses she thinks will only come every so often. 

"Let's sit down how about?" I yawn softly and she sighs, Ecstasy mimics my action. She worries about my sleep schedule a lot because I have to travel for work and the time zones change almost every day she makes a point to get me to go to bed at reasonable hours especially when I'm not doing anything important. "We'll stay out here for a little longer babe, I will go to sleep once everyone has what they want." She though we should bring our parents, my parents I guess, but she did bring Ben and Nathan to introduce to them. They introduced themselves to my parents as the people who raised Mel. My parents have been so excited to formally meet them, they've seen them before but they've never been forced to talk or anything of the sort so this was exciting for them.

"I love you so much." She turns pressing her lips onto mine, she was kind of afraid to touch me while my parents were around so half of the flight she sat across from me and talked to my dad pretending she was interested in the same things. Then he offered to switch seats with me and obviously I agreed and moved over, finally she started kissing me, and holding my hand, laying on me, and cuddling me. She just needed to get used to them. She'll be talking to my mom a lot too because she feels like she has to even put the scale.

"I love you more." I smile sitting up so I can hold her. That's my favourite part of kisses like this, holding her so tightly that I can make her moan. It's fun for me, not for her.

"We don't care who loves who more, we care about finding our rooms, can we please go and do that?" My mother folds her arms together making Mel all nervous, I can feel her mouth go dry. She stands and backs away only to fall over because she isn't extremely well balanced yet. She's still learning how her new leg works.

"I'm very sorry." She mumbles grabbing the baby and walking off in the direction of our vacation house. It's perfect.

"You're scaring her mom." I beg her almost, she needs to stop. She's already so worried about my parents hating her. She didn't ask for their blessing, she didn't invite them to her proposal. To her parents aren't as important and she forgets sometimes that mine mean a lot to me, and that they aren't the same as hers were. "She's a good girl I promise." She plays with our baby boy sitting on one of the steps. She doesn't know what else to do she doesn't know which room is ours and she really wanted to watch the sun set.

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