Chapter 23

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Ecstasy lay on top of me while we watch his show in the living room. Mel was with us, she massaged my head but she said she wasn't around for long she's been doing something throughout the other parts of our home. "You wanna get up and dance?" I smile at Ecstasy who's just so excited about this song. Non of mine could ever top this one this is by far his favourite and he dances until his legs can't support him anymore. He definitely got his dancing skills from his mama. She's a dancer and e might be too. Mel and I both agreed that we would ask him which sports he wanted to take up when he got old enough. "Can I dance too?" I look at him and he shakes his head giggling but begging me not to. I really am that bad. "Babe!" I call listening to the door open.

"Yeah?" She nods walking in, she looks like she's in a hurry.

"Are you leaving?" I turn and she nods rushing over and giving me a quick kiss.

"Bye baby." She smiles kissing his head. He hugs her softly and watches her head away. "I love you." She smiles kissing me again. "I love you both." She smiles kissing ecstasy again before me once more.

"I love you too." I smile putting ecstasy on my chest for his little dance. "We still on for dinner?" I call and she nods. "Aaliyah is coming to get Ex at 6?" I nod and she does as well.

"I'll be ready for six." She nods walking out. Soon after the door clicks shut. Ecstasy waits till he's positive the song is completed and he resumes his position on my chest. He likes his cuddles.

"Can I have a kiss?" I smile puckering my lips. He sighs but leans forwards to kiss me. If Mel were still sitting next to us he would've just let Mel give me the kiss instead. He doesn't like to look away from his show but he worries he'll be denied the same affection.

"Sh." He commands squeezing my cheeks. He's a gentile boy but I'll interrupting his show and he is not alright with that. I press a kiss against his cheek while he watches his show. I don't understand what he finds so amazing about it but he loves it and I love it for him. It makes him happy and I just want him happy at all times. Though I don't understand the appeal I think it's cute that he likes it so much. "Play?" He smiles assuring the show's ended.

"Now you want to spend time with me!" I gasp and he giggles while I carry him out to my bedroom. "I've gotta change." I kiss his cheek grabbing some jeans a T-shirt and a sweatshirt to wear overtop. He sits buried in the pillows because he's so small. "Do you wanna go out today!" I smile. I'll send Mel a text letting her know we've gone out. We'll have a bonding day it'll be so much fun. I love spending time with him. I'll take him shopping and maybe out to eat but I'll make sure he has fun.

"Yay!" He smiles struggling to get out of the pillows. He just wants to play. I'll put him in his stroller and give him his little toys. We'll play games and we'll cuddle, we'll have so much fun and he'll be happy.

"Yeah bubble?" I smile lifting him into my arms. I kiss his forehead gently. "Alright, lets get you ready."


I hold Ecstasy in my arms waiting for Mel to get home. He's been asleep for two hours but I can't put him down, he panics when I do. He wanted to stay awake waiting for his mama. She didn't even call. We've been waiting for her to show up since five o'clock. I was ready for our dinner date and Aaliyah came to get our little guy. He was so excited to spend time with his aunty. She did stay for a little while and she played with him but she had to head home. I felt so bad for keeping her I should've let her go sooner but Ecstasy was ecstatic. He wanted nothing more than his aunty's cuddles. "It's late bubble, we can go to sleep." I hum gently rocking him into the crib. He holds his blanket tight but he sleeps. "I love you." I hum rocking his crib a little bit checking my phone again. She still hasn't said anything. I don't know what's going on. She is usually so quick to tell me where she is, what she's doing, and why she hasn't responded. "Mel? Babe it's me again I, I'm really worried now. Please call me back, please come home." I sigh into the phone letting Ecstasy's door click shut as quietly as possible. "I love you babe, and I need you here." I then end my message wishing I hadn't left it in the first place. She just needs to come home.

"Police open up!" They bang against the door giving me endless nerves. My heart pounds and I can feel it in my throat. I haven't done anything and there's a baby if anything happens I have my baby they need to get my baby.

"I-is there a problem?" I pull the door open looking at my Melanie in handcuffs. The same girl that cuts and peels grapes for our little boy. The same girl that lays on top of me every night because she gets too cold sleeping on her side of the bed.

"She's the problem, she's been causing a disturbance in various neighbourhoods. Keep her indoors someone will be by tomorrow." They they unlock her handcuffs and hand her to me leaving without another word. Why does someone need to come over tomorrow? Why was she causing a disturbance? Where what she? What the hell was she doing?

"Shit." She whispers leaning against my shoulder. "I missed dinner." Her arms wrap around me and though I'm confused and angry I can't help but hug her back. She's my weakness. I'm biased towards her she will never be the villain in any story I tell.

"You're almost six hours late." I smell blood, fresh blood and the scent overs her. "Go shower." I move off of her checking the monitor to see if Ecstasy is still asleep which thank god he is. He would be panicked if he woke up.

"I'm sorry." She mumbles grabbing my hand but I don't want her to hold it. "I didn't mean to miss dinner. I know it was important to you." She sighs hugging me again. Hugs don't make everything better. They certainly do help but they don't fix situations. She is trying though and that does mean a lot to me.

"Ecstasy was so worried, and I took two hours out of Aaliyah's night for nothing, I have never called one person so many times." I growl pulling her off of my. I'm so angry, I'm frustrated and I'm annoyed and I can't stand the fact that Mel is just brushing this off.

"I said I was sorry." She begs jumping into my arms kissing my cheek and neck. She wants forgiveness, she wants the hugs back, she wants me to forget about it,

"Sorry doesn't always cut it." But I can't.

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