Chapter 22

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"You called fucking CPS?" I growl cuddling my infant and kissing his head Mel went to our bedroom to lay down, she has a headache from nerves and she couldn't stop shaking. She got so worried that someone was going to take him from us. The email already had her worried. "Did you think that we don't care about our kid?" I scoff sitting down on the couch turning on his cartoons and shaking my head at these people. I can't believe them. They call themselves my friends and then they do this. "You're fucking sick, get out of my house." I point hugging my son. He doesn't know what's going on and he doesn't seem very interested in his cartoons either. He just wants to give me hugs, he knows I need them. I just need to know he's still around.

"Shawn." They sigh and I shake my head pointing at the tv so maybe Ecstasy can watch his show. If I distract him I can kick their asses out of my house.

"Dada," he points at them giving me a stern look. "Rude." He shakes his head making me sigh.

"He wants me to talk to you." I sigh again looking at the group standing by the piano. "He thinks I was rude." I explain and Ecstasy lays against my shoulder kissing my cheek.

"You were kind of rude." Mel mumble slowly nearing in my track suit she still looks sick but she probably needed cuddles from Ecstasy just like me.

"They tried to take him away." I whisper to her and Ecstasy hushes me kissing my nose like I do to him. "You are so bossy!" I hold him up above my head lowering him only to give kisses. "So bossy!" I throw him gently and he squeals in fits of laughter.

"You're a really good daddy." Mel kisses my cheek and suddenly I don't want to play with him anymore. I just want to kick those guys asses for having ever said anything bad about my boy.

"Get out." I point walking myself into the kitchen where they follow. They just want me to explain how I'll leave him with my parents and continue the tour. I won't continue if people are going to badmouth my son.

"Dada!" Ecstasy points again waddling towards me. He doesn't think I'm being fair, he doesn't like that I'm yelling. Mel told him if I say bad words he can yell at me so he's taking it to his own advantage. He knows at this point that I'm not mad at him and that him cuddling me makes me happy so he has nothing to worry about as long as he cuddles me afterwards. "Rude!" He commands and I sigh.

"He gets to come everywhere with me, I don't care where I'm going." I lift him off of the ground and he cuddles me. "If he can't come then I'm not going."

"That was reasonable." Mel smiles kissing me and stealing our peanut out of my arms. "Let's get you changed." She smiles mumbling more things to him that I can't hear. I do however hear his laugh.

"He goes or I won't." I shrug opening the door. "You've got six days left to make your decision, take your time." I point sending them all out the door. Ecstasy and Mel soon emerge again and they watch the large group disappear.

"Don't stress too much." She hums. Putting our baby down so he can run around and play. He likes having free range he thinks it gives him power. He'll run and hide and me and Mel will search frantically to try and find him. Then he'll pop out and laugh until he can't breathe because we get so worked up.

"What would I do without you." I squeeze her sides watching Ecstasy creep away. We'll have to search for him in a minute but we'll be happy for a minute.

"I love you too." She smiles kissing me softly. "Let's go scare him!" She smiles creeping in the direction she knows our little guy went. He's got lots of hiding spots because he's so small and he loves it because he gets all sorts of advantages.

"Boo!" He giggles jumping out from god knows where scaring me and Mel to the ground. He laughs and laughs kicking and screaming at how he's foiled our plans. Mel gives a pout and hides her head in her hands. She pretends to cry which makes Ecstasy jump. "Sorry." He whispers hugging his mama tight. "So sorry mama." He moves he hands and gives her his best kiss he doesn't want her to feel sad.

"What about me!" I gasp and as soon as he's certain his mamas alright he resumes laughing at our fear. He tricked us really well. "You're a bugger." I lift him up high holding him with only one hand. Him and Mel both hate it when I do this, they think he's gonna fall.

"Dada." He gives me a fake pout but his smile takes over. He's still making fun of me.

"You really did trick me." I mumble dropping him down a little bit which makes Mel jump and him giggle.

"Scared!" He laughs kicking his feet and clapping his hands. He's never looked so happy.

"I was terrified!" I gasp at him cuddling him against me. "Go get your lion and we'll watch movies." I smile kissing his head. He loves the lion toy. It's his favourite animal, just knowing that lions really exist gets him all excited.

"We should take him to the zoo tomorrow." We'll drive in and let the animals surround us. He can see lions and monkeys and all sorts of things. Maybe I'll rent a van for the day and get Geoff to come and drive us around so that we can be in the back with him to show him the animals.

"He would love that." I smile kissing his mamas head. She is the best mama in the world and he knows how lucky he is. He tells me every night and he thanks her everyday.

"Roar!" He giggles showing off the lion.

"What should we watch?" I bring him onto my legs and I pull Mel closer to us.

"I'm gonna go make dinner." She kisses my head letting me cuddle our boy. She is superwoman in our household. She does just about everything in the house and she has no problems with it. She says were her boys and that she is responsible for making sure we have everything in the world.

"Look at you!" I smile at the picture on the wall. I can't get over how little he was. He fit into the palm of my hand until he was four months old. He still isn't any bigger than just my forearm and I love how tiny he is.

"Cuddles?" He whispers nuzzling into my body for warmth.

"Daddy gives the best cuddles doesn't he?" Mel smiles laying next to us draping a blanket over our body's. "Daddy is like our own personal teddy bear."

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