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June 29. Dear diary,

Today I finished the scouts book and I "graduated" as Granpa's "oficial helper". That means that I'll help him whenever he needs help but I know that he never needs help. However I'll be able to propose things like making a bed or a new chair.

Grandma is furious because some of her crops are dying. They're turning into a brownish color -EVERYONE LISTEN TO ME! WHO WAS IN CHARGE OF WATERING THE GARDEN?! THE FREAKING PLANTS ARE DYING PEOPLE!- Grandma yelled at us so I said -Granny?- I thought she was going to kill me - We watered the plants but there's like this bug. Could a bug make a few plants die?- She didn't answered. She ran towards the crops and said -YOU'RE RIGHT THERE'S A BUG EATING MY PLANTS!- Everyone looked at my with an expresion that said "we won't help her you opened your mouth".

Then grandm

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