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July 28. Dear diary,

Alicia woke up at 6 PM and told us that the blood she had on her shirt was because after they came back my brother got shot in the back and she had to take out the bullet. Then he went hunting but never came back. About a day before we found her. She asked for the others and we told her their destination and why we left. She told me that my brother's probably alive, thst she doesn't know anything about my father and that Grandpa Nick died. She saw Autumn (my grandma) scaping. She shouldn't be too far.

We won't have dinner tonight because we're not hungry. Alicia had a few cans of beans and soups. We'll go to the forest were nobody can see us because it's too dangerous here. However if we leave this place we won't be able to know if anyone of the group showed up.

Grandma's near. Probably washing her clothes up somewhere. We found a few of her clothing in her backpack. We know it's hers because the gardening book's in it. I hope she's with dad and or Lucas.

She came back and she was with both of them. We have a plan finally. I mean a good one that doesn't involve walking for 65 days. I told them our story -We left with Carol, her daughter, Dante and Brooke- my heart stopped when I said her name but I kept going -We were going to El Dorado Hills- They all looked surprised and I said: "Yes, we had to walk for 65 days and coming back wasn't an option so we held to hope and came here. Then we found Alicia and you". They were looking at me like they would look a crazy guy.

Then I told dad that carol taught me how to fire a gun, hold a knife, making guard and lighting a bonfire. He was surprised and told me that I have to teach Lucas how to. I missed him so much and knowing he's ok makes me happy.

At dinner my dad told his story -When the shooting started you guys (Noah and I) left with Carol and I stayed protecting the others. I killed a lot of them but they threw a molotov inside Last Nun and then threw the walls with their cars. When they realised they were almost out of ammo and lost a lot of them left. The gay couple died, my dad died, Marcus died, Carol left with the kids and we were only Lucas, Alicia, my mum and I when they left. They thought were more I guess- He looked kinda sad but then I told a joke and he laughed and hugged me.

Now I'm about to go to bed but I don't wanna. I wanna be with my dad.

July 29. Dear diary,

Today, when daddy woke my up I was happy cause he woke my up, but then I started thinking about Brooke again and just thinking of her death makes me wanna go and never come back to this life. I was hungry so I asked for lunch. It's about 5 PM, I'll be back after dinner.

An hour before dinner a woman found us. She's tall. She's got dark skin tone and black hair but her eyes are like green. They're beatiful I wish they were mine. She didn't talk till dinner. She said -I came here when this whole thing started, about two days before. I came here with my girlfriend but she died -she thought about her and started crying-Since then I've been scavenging on the forest- she whipped out her tears and take out of her backpack coffee, it was real good!

After dinner I came here next to the second bonfire and started writing. My coffee it's good. I used to drink without sugar but if I had some would be better. I sipped it slowly until I finished it. I wish I could ask for more but we don't have that much. Now I realize, we don't know her name. I'll go ask her and come back. Her name is Khendra. I asked her how to spell it and she asked why. I was shocked and I told her about the diary -I had one too- she said remembering old society times. You have no idea how much I miss society, even school!

July 30. Dear diary,

Today, Khendra woke me up earlier and gave me more coffee. She's so good. I miss when we had enough things to use them as we wanted. She asked if I wanted some sugar and I said yes, of course. I told her my story which you now. The only thing I didn't told her were my feelings, and her (Brooke). I'll be back once something happens...

We had noodles for dinner again but we didn't have coffee. It's late but I wanna tell you everything that happened today.

Noah, Khendra and I played poker almost all day long. She's a really nice woman. She told us she's 20 years but she looks like she's 25 or more. I don't know why. Maybe her short hair or grey clothes. She said that she might go to Mexico. Her sister moved there a few years ago with her husband.

After a few poker games I helped grandma to wash the clothes. The clothes were real dirty because last night it rained and they fell on our way to the lagoon, or lake or something. I dont know what it is but now that school's over I won't now.

When we came back we had dinner and now I'm sitting next to the bonfire. Grandma, Khendra and dad are talking about going north. I mean not to El Dorado Hills but to a bunker. Khendra heard that some guys were going there but then they discovered her and tied her up and left. She said that she almost starved to death but she cut the rope with a branch.

I'm tired so I'll go to sleep. Bye

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