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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm sorry, I couldn't write this weekend and probably won't write for this next week. I've got 3 tests this week, I wasn't feeling inspired till now and my wifi connection sucks. However I've wrote a huge chapter for you <3 Enjoy!!!                                                                                ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

July 17. Dear diary,

Thot and Lhutor will join us in war but Klin won't. They're already on Myirian's side. We should ask others. Now that they're more, keeping the others away won't be easy, so Xylen prefers to keep them on our side. Perhaps we could ask the bunker and even make them the 15th island. They might not be a lot, but any kind of help comes in pretty handy. My dad wouldn't agree. We should first make a few deals. Xylen says we'll send more messengers to 5 islans, but she hasn't decided which yet.

There's someone at the main door. I'll be back soon.

It was Noah. I missed him so much. He came to ask for food but then told me in secret that it's just a trick cause they're running out of food on the ground but they have a lot on the underground. They can't just take it all out like magic cause there are some people that don't know about it yet. -I already told your dad, we can fake find it- he said. They should fake find it but that would mean that they'll have to share with the other islands or they'll have to fight a war against them.

I had so much fun with Noah today. We played chess. I trade some meat for the board. Talking about food, Xylen asked to make a pesonal garden for the xhumbra and second -We shouldn't have to hunt or trade- she said, so the guards gotta find someone to plant behind our house.

The xhumbra's house is nice. It's big. Someone built it like 100 years ago with wood. It's got 2 bedrooms and a bathroom for each besides the one on the first floor. It probably won't get through the war. I don't wanna lose anybody. I can't keep losing people. I miss her, I gotta be with her, but now I'm with him, Nol. 

Xylen's tired. She's been practicing for war. I should practice too but I can't let myself. I keep thinking that I'll hurt myself and won't be able to fight, to protect Xylen nor the bunker, nor Nol. 

What if Nol dies? I never wondered that cause it wasn't a thought I had until the war was declared. If I can't use a gun (cause we, islanders can't use guns), how am I suppossed to make sure he's alive? We won't be on the same group. My group will attack and his will make an ambush. If the ambush doesn't work...

Let's talk about something else. Dad. I miss him. He's not the same. The last time I saw him he was kind and caring, but now he changed. He doesn't want me near the bunker cause he thinks I'm dangerous now that I know how to fight, or that I'll take his people to war. I can't believe my own dad doesn't trust me. Noah does. He's still my best friend and will be forever. I won't lose him, I can't. He's the only one I trust. I can't trust my own brother. He changed too, like my dad. 

No. A spy told us they're coming. We have to attack tomorrow. We can't attack tomorrow, I'm not ready. I can't just go there wanting to win a war when I feel that anybody trusts me. I don't know if I'll be back, but if I'm not back, I'll leave a note for dad, Nol, Noah, Lucas, Grandma and one for her. She won't read it I know, but I gotta make sure I leave something for her.

July 18. Dear diary, 

It's me again. Xylen. She stayed here, to protect the place with a small group of 300 soldiers. They weren't enough. The war killed them all. Everybody is dead but my group. Only 6000 died. They were like 10000 all together but they scaped to the woods and killed everybody. The ambush didn't work. I saw him one last time...

We were going back to the woods to check on the ambush and there he was. Dying, waiting to tell us that we lost. They left him to pass the message. He wasn't crying. He just said "It's over Kris, it's over". I couldn't stop thinking that it wasn't over. It's not over. When I came back here there was nobody left alive but Xylen, but not for long. She had a spear from side to side of her chest. She was drowning in her own blood when she gave me her ring. Then she died.

Xylen's ring means that I'll become a xhumbra. I gotta get rid of all my braids and take a shower but I gotta take it in Trikova, or what's left of it. I'll ask Namyre to brush my hair. I'll be back soon, after I take a shower. 

Tomorrow I'll make the ritual to become a xhumbra. I already sent somebody to look for Noah and my family. They gotta be here. I want Noah to be my second. He'll become a xhumbra when I'm dead. It will be fun to teach him everything about our culture. It's pretty funny. 

I gotta take a showe that lasts all night. I'll be back after my shower.

July 19. Dear diary,

The ritual's over.

I wore a black long dress. My straight hair was resting on my right shoulder. I walked between people and stood in front of them all. Once I was in front of everybody they passed a torch and someone handed it to me to light Xylen's body on fire so it travels to the next world. After I threw the torch next to her body on flames, I grabbed the xhumbra's knife and cut my hand. I felt the blood drops running through my hand and felling into the fire. I became a xhumbra.

Noah was there. He was proud of me when I wasn't. I wasn't proud of myself cause I earned it when my leader died. She died and I became leader, without crying her death. She's gone and nobody did anything. ANYTHING BUT LIGHTING HER BODY ON FIRE. 


The shower was the best I ever had. It felt so warm. I cried but nobody noticed cause I had water all over my face. That was the only moment I could cry. Nol's face was there till I finished, but when I finished it left. All the pain I had for all the people I lost. I am become death.

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