To the bunker

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July 31. Dear diary,

Khendra will guide us to the bunker. You know cause she was the one that heard about it. We'll start the trip on tomorrow's first light. I hope that the bunker's got a school and kids. I miss having a lot of friends. I wasn't popular but I had a bunch of friends. Now I only have Noah and sometimes Alicia and my brother but they aren't really my friends they are just Lucas and Alicia.

Tonight, daddy promised me that I'll make guard with him. I'm glad he wanna spend some time with me. He was like grumpy and sad for granda Nick's death. It's not that I'm not sad but we gotta move on. I think that because I already knew somehow, I could feel it. I miss him, he was a good grandpa. 

I'll go get lunch and come back as fast as I can.

I'm sorry, I got distracted playing with Noah a weird card game that I can't remember the rules nor name. Whom invention was it? Probably Noah cause he looked bored but like creative. He probably made it up just for winning. I lost obviously but it was kinda fun. 

Grandma just came and asked me if I wanted to go with her and make the wash up in about an hour. I'll probably go but I haven't thought about it yet. Every time I try to think she comes up. She's always there. Her name just keeps coming up, Brooke. I hope we find each other again. I can't stop thinking about the kiss but that's not for today. I'll go and tell grandma to brush my hair and we'll go to make the wash up, possibly.

We got bored an came back to the camp. We only cleaned a few clothes. We did mostly underwear cause anybody wanna smell, right? 

I gotta go to make guard with my dad in a few minutes. So I'll try to be quick. I'm happy. I missed him those day I wasn't with him but I think I miss Brooke the most. I gotta go byee.

August 1. Dear diary,

I'm tireeeed and we gonna start the trip to the bunker in like 5 minutes. I don't know why but the bunker gives me hope. I don't like hope, I feel that if I have too much life will dissapoint me. I know that makes me heartless but I just can't have that feeling anymore.

Khendra says that the trip will be for at least 100 miles but she's almost sure we'll have to walk more. I did the math without consulting anyone and if we walk 8 hours every day and we walk 3  miles per hour we'll be there in 4 days maybe more. I told her that and she said that's a really good plan. Ok, here we go. I'll be back in probably 8 hours

I'm back. I fell and hit my face with a fallen tree. My whole cheek hurts and I've got a black eye. Grandma says that I don't need stitches but I have a really bad scratch in my cheek. That's not all, my hair got stuck in a branch and I had to walk for another 5 hours with my hair doing a weird thing. My fall cost us like half hour so tomorrow we'll walk 8 and a half hour.

August 2. Dear diary,

We'll walk as much as we can so we get there faster. I'll be back once we stopped

August 3. Dear diary,

We walked like 36 hours and we know we're near cause we walked 130 miles. Right now, Khendra is looking for the bunker while we rest. She's a strong woman. She said that she has insomnia too so she doesn't care about not sleeping.

Khendra came back 8 hours later. She found the bunker. It's half a mile south she said. Here we go. Bye

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