Starting Over

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July 12. Dear diary,

Grandpa Nick, Ross and Devin left the campment this morning. I hope they bring clothes. My shirt doesn't fit me anymore so I'll try trade it with Carol for a bigger one. Carol's a bit bigger than me so maybe her clothes will fit me. At least I hope they do.

Trading gave me an idea. We could trade our things with eah other. Some of us are already doing it but let's say it was my idea.

Today I'm not writing before going to bed because I'm too bored. I can't play with Noah because he's in his tent alone. He haven't eaten for a while. I guess he's dealing with this now. He never dealed with his mother's death so I think that he's going to stay in there for a few days. I'll try to break him and give him some noodles.

I'm back, noah doesn't wanna eat anything. His face says that he's sad and that he cried a lot. His eyes were red and bigger. I hope he gets better.

I'll be back in a minute I heard something...

It's like 2 AM. It's been rough. I've lost everything. I just can't keep writing.

July 13. Dear diary,

I couldn't sleep and I can't stop shaking. I feel that someone is forcing me to keep going and I don't want to. I wanna lay down on the grass and let the sun burn me to death but I can't, I gotta be strong for dad, for grandpa, my brother and my new group.

I'm with Brooke, Noah, Carol, Lesslie and Dante. We escaped. A group came last night and stole our campment. Dad told me to leave with Carol and the other kids before the shooting began. We lost Alicia and my brother. I think that they stayed at the campment trying to protect it. I hope they didn't but I'm sure they did. I hope they are alive.

The group had Ross, Devin and Grandpa Nick. They said - Hahaha only a few. This blonde girl broke. She told us right before we cut off her pinky. Thanks god she told us where you are- They cut her throat open with a knife but kept going - Snitches get stitches, hahaha. This other one (Ross) lost both thumbs and a toe. He didn't break so I guess he's a warrior. Well NOT ANYMORE- They shot him in the head, just like that and my dad started the shooting. Carol is still crying Ross's death. Grandpa Nick tried to escape when we left but I guess he died.

Before we left I saw Marcus, he gave me all his rations and a lot of water before a bullet entered in his head. I grabbed my backpack and a gun and we left. The campment's taken and even though we wanted to go back they're like 40. Maybe 10 died which makes them 30 but we're 5 kids and a small sweet widow.

We lost our crops and our seeds so gardening is not an option. We are looking for a place to take us but it's only been a day. I hope we survive.

Noah wanted to stay to die. That's what he said but I can't lose him. Not him, not Brooke. She wanted to stay and protect the place. She got shot in her shoulder but it was just a scratch. I saw her blood all over her arm and thought she was dying so I put in front of her and told her -Brooke, we need to leave! RIGHT NOW BROOKE!-

July 14. Dear diary,

Brooke. I can't stop thinking about her. I don't know what's wrong with me. I have this feeling that she's not ok and I have to protect her but I have to protect Noah. He's weak. He broke at the meeting and never got better. He needs to if he wants to survive.

Carol stopped crying suddenly. Ross's death changed her. About an hour ago we heard something. It was a woman with a big backpack. She killed her without even blinking and stole all her stuff. She had a lot of clothes, two bottles of water and a photo of her and her boyfriend that Carol used to light the bonfire, she taught me how to. She also taught me how to shoot a gun and grab a knife.

We haven't done everything today. Carol said that we'll go north tomorrow because she has friends that live in a shack without tecnology. To the very north California almost Nevada.

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