Chapter 12: Hank Voight

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I heard Maria come up the stairs. I walked out of my office and took a step back. 
"Oh my God, what happened?" I asked looking at her bruised face. 
"Nothing, just got into a little situation last night." 
"Which is the one that did that to you?" Antonio asked her. 
"All of them. But have you seen them?" She joked. 
"Yeah, we have, how did you learn to do stuff like that?" Jay asked. 
"Well let's just say I had a lot of practice over the years." 
"Well then you're in luck. Follow me." I instructed her. 
I walked with her and some of my Unit to the viewing area of the interrogation room. 
"Which is the main guy?" I asked. 
"Him." She pointed to the middle guy. "He's the one who gave me the cut from hell on my forehead.
"Jay, grab him. Throw him in the cage." He nodded and grabbed him. Rage filled me every time I saw the bruises on her face. 
Maria followed me all the way down to the cage. "Have at him. Make him talk." 
"Is this even legal?" Maria whispered to me. 
"It's our secret." 
Maria walked up and Jay opened the cage for her, let her in, and closed it again. 
Jay, Antonio and I stood close by, just in case, but by the look of these men, she didn't need any help. 
"So you got caught, how'd that happen." She asked sitting beside him. 
"Ask your little bitch of a friend. She called the cops." He spat. Maria grabbed him by his hair and pulled his head back until he was looking at her upside down. 
"Say that again." She antagonized. 
"He will kill you." He laughed. 
"He'll have to do it himself." Maria stood up and brought the man with her. "What is he planning?" He smiled at her. Maria hit him on the side of his head and then right in the ribs, all in one motion. He slumped over onto her shoulder. "Get up." She demanded. 
He slowly brought himself up to standing again. "You killed his sister Violet." 
"No, I didn't, I put her in jail, there's a difference." She spat, holding him against the wall with her forearm. 
"Not to Dex. He said that you put an expiry date on his sister." 
"What else?" He said nothing. She put her thumb and forefinger on either side of his shoulder and pressed in. She was using his pressure points. 
He jerked and squinted his face in pain. 
"This can be easy, or hard, it's your choice." She informed him. 
"All I know is that he is planning to take everything away from you." He winced like a baby.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Maria asked, pressing harder into his shoulder. 
"All he said was that he was going to isolate you. Take everyone away, so you had nothing left. Just like he felt." He whimpered. 
I really didn't like the sound of that. 
"Who's that girl you were with last night Violet?" He mocked. 
She punched him and walked out of the cage. She got almost to the stairs when he called after her. "No wonder they call you Muchitel." He called after her and laughed. 
The four of us got back upstairs and joined the rest of the group. 
"What does Muchitel mean?" Jay asked. 
The group all turned. 
"It means torturer in Bulgarian." 
Everyone was silent. 
"I haven't killed anyone, I told you all that. And I don't rip people's fingernails off or poke them with a cattle prod like in the movies either. I use their pressure points, their weak spots, I use their own mind to get to them. I don't literally maltreat them. This one guy was scared shitless, only joined the gang because he wanted to get his little brother through college, I brought him a Big Mac and we talked. He told me everything he knew. They call me Muchitel not because I literally torture them, but because I get results. Not everything needs to be solved with a beating or a bullet. Sometimes just talking and a good pressure point is all it takes." She took a deep breath then jumped up. "Wait, he asked me who my best friend is right?" 
"Yeah." Jay answered. 
Maria grabbed her phone from her back pocket and called someone, who I am guessing is Anna. 
"Come on, come on, answer." No one answered. "Shit, she's at home alone, I'm going to check on her." 
"You can't go alone." Jay said. 
"Then follow me, I don't care." 
"You have a car?" I asked. 
"Yes, I'm using TT's car." 
"Is that where you were last night?" Antonio took a wild guess. 

We followed behind Maria to Anna's house. She ran in without even thinking. 
There was a scream and my blood ran cold. We all grabbed our guns and walked in with cation, ready to shoot on sight. 
Maria was in the back room leaning over a body. I took a step closer and saw a bloody and beaten Anna. "She has a pulse, but it's weak. Someone give me some towels from the hall closet." She ordered. Antonio ran to the closet and came back with four towels. Maria waisted no time wrapping her best friend in them. 
I grabbed my phone. "This is Seragent Hank Voight from the twenty first district we need an amblance at my location." I hung up. 
"Lost her heart beat!" Maria yelled. She started doing CPR and mouth to mouth. 
After a long two minutes Maria stopped. "I got her pulse back." Not thirty seconds later the paramedics came. 
"What do we got?" The one asked. 
"Her name is Anna Montgomery. She was beaten and found like this, no idea how long it has been. She lost her pulse, I did CPR and mouth to mouth for two minutes and got her back. 
I think I cracked at least one of her ribs on the left side." Maria informed the paramedics. 
They got a C collar on her and lifted her onto the gurney and out of the house. 
Maria was covered in her best friends blood. We all walked out of the house in silence.  
Maria looked to the right and saw two men leaning against the fence across the road and a few houses down. She took off after them. "Maria stop!" I yelled after her but she just ran harder. 
"Antonio, Jay, chase after her, Hailey and I will take the car." 
They ran after her and I wasted no time getting into Hailey's car. 

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