Chapter 18: Hank Voight

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The group all rolled in around the same time. 
"Okay I want an update." I stood in front of the group. 
"No news Serg." Jay said standing beside Maria. I know there is something going on between them. I felt it the first time they talked. I really don't like it. But I don't even know if she's my daughter. And Jay is a good man. My hands are tied. 
"I don't think so." A voice came from the steps. We all turned to see Sergeant Platt standing with an envelope in her hands. She turned the envelope around to show us what it said. 
District 21, Intelligence Unit - Maria Kelly 
Maria's back straightened like someone replaced her spine with a steel rod. 
Standing up she walked over to Platt and took the envelope. Carefully she opened it as we all stood anxiously to see what was inside. We all knew who it was from. 
Maria's hands shook and her breath hitched when she pulled out multiple photos. 
I walked up so I was standing behind her. "God..." I said under my breath. 
There was four photos. One was of Anna bleeding out on the floor before we had gotten there. 
The next, was her mother, laying the same way as we found her. Dead. 
The other two was of a woman and a men. Both bloodily and beaten, clearly dead. 
Whoever did this to them took pictures, probably to do just this - send them to Maria, to scare her. Dex was truly a sick and twisted man.
A note was attached to the last photo.
This is is just the beginning. You took away the one thing I loved. Now I will take yours.
I will kill everyone you love until there is nothing left.
Your friend got lucky, but your mother and the others weren't so fortunate.
You can save the others, save TT and your new found family at District 21 and surrender or I will kill my way to you. 
Either way, you're dead. 

I passed the note and photo around to my Unit and had someone see if they can track where this came from. I hugged Maria. "We will get this bastard. He won't kill anyone else." 
"Who are the other two?" Atwater asked. 
"The girl, her name is Martina, she was like my surrogate mother. Good friends with TT. 
The other guy was just someone I worked with a few times. Doesn't mean his life is worth any less." 
"I won't let anyone else die because of me." 
"If you're suggesting turning yourself over to him you are insane." Jay spoke firmly. No question in his voice. Now I know there is something going on between them. 
"What if I go, you all come and hide, take him out that way. Or I will kill him myself." Venom in her words.
"You couldn't live with killing anyone, trust me." I told her, I was speaking from experience. 
"He killed my mother, both of them, a friend and almost took my best friend too. He isn't getting away. By whatever means it takes, I will put him down." I really didn't like the sound of that, but I know where she is coming from. If someone hurt my son or grandson, Maria, I would hunt them to the ends of the Earth. Maybe like father like daughter? 

After hours of working Maria came to my office door and knocked. "Come in." 
"What can I help you with Maria?" 
"Well I had an idea but you may not like it." She said sitting down in the chair in front of my desk. 
"I probably wont. What is it?" 
"I work the streets." 
"Absourly not." 
"Hear me out." I gestured for her to continue. 
"I won't go near Dex's side, but work my connections. Shake a few people down. As far as anyone knows that's what I do best. I can probably get information that even some of your CI's can't get." 
"I don't know about this Maria. Something could happen." 
"Run a wire on me, hidden mic, hidden recorder, whatever. Have someone follow me in a van like on those cop shows." 
It was a good idea. If it was someone else and not my potential daughter, someone who I've grown to really really care for in a short amout of time, I would be okay with it. It is risky.
But she knew how to work the streets, knew how to shake people down, how to work and operate within these people. We have nothing new, we have to. It's our last resort.
"Okay. Okay. But you will be wearing a wire, so we can hear you. We will have someone following you the whole night. And there's no going within a mile of Dex." 
"I will get it in motion." 
"Hey Hank?" 
"Thank you. And I have a request." 
"What is it?" 
"Can you be in that van?" 
"Of course. I'm also guessing it's going to be Antonio and Jay." 
"What's going on between you and Jay?" 
"I don't know. There's too much up in the air in the moment to be thinking about relationships. If I live through this, we'll tackle it then." 
"Okay." You won't die, I thought. Not if I have anything to do about it.

I walked out of my office. "Okay everyone we have a plan." I waited for the groups full attention before I continued. "Maria is going to work her connections and shake people down for information." I could see Jay open his mouth to object but I continued before he interrupted me. He was going to say, 'hell no'. "She will be wearing a wire and we will be following in an undercover van." Antonio went to ask me if he could be in the van, but just like with Jay, I spoke before he had the chance to talk, "it will be Antonio, Jay and I in the van, everyone else here working on what get's." I knew my team so well. "Now, any questions." No one spoke. If they would ever let me finish, there would never be questions. 
We all went downstairs and the tech guy hooked up Maria. She had changed into whatever she would wear on the streets. 
It was a skin tight tank top, ripped black jeans and black combat boots. She had on a grey belt and a matching black leather jacket. She had two knife holsters on her thighs and her necklace that showed what gang she was with. Aka TT. 

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"Okay talk. Just say something." The tech guy said running into the van to see if it was giving feed back. "Um, do I have to talk into it?" Maria asked. I let a low chuckle out.
"No maria, you don't. Just talk normally, like you would in any normal conversation, this is an ear piece so you can hear us as well."
"Can you hear me?" The tech guy spoke. "Yes I can." She told him speaking normally. "All good." The tech guy confirmed and left.
"Your safe word is Ship. If you need us as back up or something goes wrong, make up a sentence and speak 'ship' more defined so we know to come and it isn't a mistake."
"Got it. Thank you for trusting me Hank." She said giving me a small hug. "You're welcome."
Maria walked up to Jay, "you know you don't have to do this right?" He said.
"Yeah I do," she replied, "I'll be fine. I always am, I've been doing this exact thing for years, just not with a wire, or back up. I'm all good."
"We will be in this van not too far from you the whole time. We have your back. Don't do anything stupid." Antonio pitched in.
"Hardy har har. Let's get going." She said jumping into the van.
We drove Maria to where she said and she jumped out. "See ya soon." She winked and started walking down the street.
"I don't like this." Jay said uneasy, maybe he really does care about Maria. I don't care, I still don't like it. 
 "None of us do, but it's the best and only option we have at the moment."
"Maria, checking in, can you hear us?" Antonio checked.
Maria's voice was hushed, "yep loud and clear."
"Same on our end."
"Now we wait." Jay said slouching in the back of the van. The three of us sat in the chairs watching the monitors so closely, like they would grow legs and run away. 

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