Chapter 8: Maria Kelly

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I walked up the steps and Hank brought me into a room that looked like a kitchen. 
After I don't know how many minutes a man with dark red hair came into the room followed by Hank, Antonio and Jay. 
"Can I see your wrist?" I rolled my eyes knowing there wasn't a point in fighting this, and stuck my arm out to him. He touched it in multple places, I flinched a couple of times. 
"It's dislocated. I'm going to have to put it back in." He said. 
"Oh thank God." I said and grabbed my hand with my other and pulled, hard, there was a pop and I let out a squeal but the pain instantly left, which is how I knew it's back in place. 
"Jesus!" The guy said and grabbed my wrist. He played with it for a minute. "You popped it back in." He said shocked. The other guys where looking at me the same way the doctor was. Like I was crazy. 
"What? It isn't the first time I've done it." I said. 
"What exactly have you done." 
"Too much." I said. 
"I am a doctor. Can you tell me?" 
"Well I just did that. I got into a brawl and had my ankle broken and a dislocated shoulder. My friend popped it back in and I just wrapped my ankle and stayed off of it for a couple of weeks. I have scars all over my body." I pulled up my shirt to show four scars on my abdomen, ribs and my hip. "All knives. Gone through a couple of beatings too." 
Everyone just stared at me. "What?" I asked getting a little irritated, the looks they were throwing at me. Judging me before they even knew. 
"We need to have that talk now." Hank said. 
The doctor wrapped my wrist and left. 
The three men stayed. Jay Halstead. He was a very very nice looking man. Easy on the eyes. 
"What can you tell us?" 
"Why don't you ask and I'll say if I can." 
"How are you connected to the drug lord TT?" Jay asked. 
"I was into some bad things when I was a kid, did things I'm not proud of. People are after me. TT saved me. I'd be dead at twelve if he didn't save me." 
"How did he save you?" 
"I can't say that but I was an addict, my mother got me addicted, she was so gone I had to do the deals to score. I went to the wrong people, poked a bear with a stick." 
"How did you learn to fight." Jay asked. 
"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry for roughing you up." 
"It's okay. You were scared." 
"TT and the others taught me, so if no one was there to defend me I could do it myself." 
"Do you know how to shoot a gun?" Antonio asked. 
"Yes, I never miss." I was truthful. 
"What about your friend?" 
"She's not like me. She can't fight, doesn't know the first thing about guns. TT saved me, I saved her from her abusive parents when we were fifteen. We've been together ever since." 
"Are you still an addict?" Hank asked. 
"No. Six years clean. Other than alcohol."  
"Who was the girl at the bar?" 
"I don't know really, I've seen her a couple times around TT's when I was still with them. Her little brother was always a good kid. I kept him out of all the bad things that they do. Until he started dealing, and you know the rest cause you were at the Pub." 
"Who are you and your friend running from?" 
"Tell us, we can protect you." 
I chuckled. "No, you can't. No cop can." 
"We would like to take your DNA so we can see if your our daughter. Is that okay?" 
"Let's let Will do this. Let's give her time." Hank said and they all walked out. 
A minute later the doctor came back in. 
"I'm Will by the way. Will Halstead." He said. 
"As in Jay?" I asked. 
"Yes, he's my brother." 
"Oh, I've never had a sibling." 
"Maybe you will after this." 
"Yeah. Oh, sorry, I'm Maria, Maria Kelly." 
We shook hands. 
"It's nice to meet you." He said. 
"Like wise." 
"Now I'm just going to draw some blood, is that alright?" 
"Sure." I gave him my arm and he put the needle in on the inside of my elbow. He filled two vials and was done in a minute. He put them away in a case and turned back to me.
"Do you feel pain?" Will asked. 
"Yes, I do. I'm just so used to it, it's easy to block it out, physically I mean." 
"I'm sorry you have to feel that." 
"Me too." 
He handed me his card. "If you ever need anything. Anything. A friend, a shoulder, advice or just to escape for a little while, don't hesitate to call me." 
"Thank you. I might need it. Thank you." 

Will left and I walked out of the room. "Where's Anna?" I asked. 
"She's in the other room. She's safe as well." Hank promised. 
My phone went off in my bag. I walked over and answered it. 
"Maria, I screwed up. I messed up badly." Tony - Amanda's brother, spoke fastly through the phone.
"Whoa, whoa, Tony, slow down. What?" 
"I was doing a deal. It was someone from his group. I am at a park a few blocks from a police station. He's looking for me. I'm screwed." 
"No you aren't. I'll come and get you. Stay there, stay hidden, I'll be there. Stay alive." 
Everyone was looking at me. 
"I gotta go." 
"No you don't." Antonio stood up. 
"Am I being arrested?" I asked. 
"No." Hank said. 
"Well then I need to go." 
"What's going on?" Jay asked. 
"The guy I told you I helped. He was being an idiot and sold to the wrong person. I have to go save his ass." 
"Who did he sell to?" 
"I can't tell you that either. I have to go. I can't watch someone else die." 
I ran down the stairs. 
I knew they were going to follow me but I couldn't stop them. 
I got to the park and found Tony hiding behind the child's slide. 
"Hey, come one, we're getting outta here." We back up and started when I heard a gun shot. I spun around and pulled Tony behind me. 
I could see the cops coming up, out of the corner of my eye.  
"You're that bitch he's looking for aren't you?" He asked. 
I ran up to him I grabbed his wrist with my right hand, grabbed the tip of the gun and pointed it up and pushed both ways, causing him to drop the gun into my hand. I Punched him in the chest then the face, he back handed me but I kicked his legs out from under him. 
"You bitch, I'm telling Dex, you're a dead woman." 
"Aren't we all?" I asked. 
"Chicago PD!" Hank yelled. 
They guy stood up and ran in the opposite direction. 
I ran back to Tony. "Hurt. Are you hurt? Are you okay?" I grabbed his face, then his arms, checking him over. 
"No, no, I'm okay." He said scared. 
I shook him. "What in the hell where you thinking selling to that guy? To anyone. I got you out!" 
"I know I'm sorry but I had bills to pay." 
I pulled him into my arms and he buried his head into my neck and started balling. 
I looked over at my fathers and mouthed, thank you.

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