Chapter 1 // Instagram is a blessing😉💜

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Annie's P.O.V

Hello everyone my name is Julianna Grace LeBlanc but I prefer to be called Annie ! I live in Australia with my family , my life is pretty normal nothing special. One thing you have to know about me is that I am absolutely in love with Hayden Taylor Summerall ! I have been watching his YouTube ever since he started and he is just so amazing and yeah . Today I'm going to me best friend Katie's house , when I arrive to her house we go into her room and watch Riverdale when I get a notification from Instagram , the notification said

" Hayden Summerall like your comment : OMG Hayden I love you so much congrats on the movie !😍💜 "

I dropped my phone on the bed and my jaw dropped , Katie was saying "OMG what happened? Hello? Are you listening ? What happened?" Then I said "KATIE ! THE FREAKING HAYDEN TAYLOR SUMMERALL LIKED MY COMMENT ON INSTAGRAM!!!!" She didn't believe me I showed her the notification and she squealed I was so happy I started crying then a few minutes later I got a DM I checked and it was from Hayden Summerall I was still crying , I opined the DM and it said

H:Hayden A:Annie *converstaion*

H: Hey! I'm Hayden as you probably know , what's your name ? And I also wanted to say thank you for your support on my career and on the movie I really appreciate it!💜

A: oh my lord this is really happening ! Haha I'm a huge fan and I'm legit crying rn! I'm Annie LeBlanc and no problem I love supporting you and your friends and family you guys are my inspiration and I love y'all so much!💜

H: haha don't cry ! Your such a great fan ! Let me guess you were mad at me when the kayden thing happened too, and you want me to date her again?

A: haha thank you and actually no , I was obviously upset but it's not my place to be mad at anyone , it's their choice who they want to date not mine :) also I actually not care who you date , all that matters to me is that your happy , the person your dating makes you happy ! 🙂

H: 😱😱😱😱😱

A: what lol ?

H: your like the only real fan in the world ! Thank you for being a real fan a not caring about anything but my happiness ! It means a lot , but I'm not dating anyone rn to make that clear lol 💜

A:haha np I hate all the fake fans they annoy me !

H: lol same , so I was wondering can I maybe have your number , so we can keep in contact because it's kind of hard to see when you DM me because I get so many others ! 😊💜

A: lol of course , here 0422 683 284 a/n this is a fake phone number

H: great thank you!💜💜💜

A: no problem see ya ! 💜💜💜

* end of conversation *

OMG that just happened I just had a conversation with THE Hayden summmerall and he has my number , "jeez Instagram Is A Belssing " I say to myself

I left Katie's house and now I'm at home about to leave to Starbucks with my friend Leilah a/n Leilah is a made up character just before I leave the house I get an incoming  call from a unknown number , I answer it

Uk:unknown A:Annie H: Hayden

A: Hello

Uk: hi!

A: um hi , sorry who is this ?

Uk: oh sorry it's Hayden

A: oh hi lol

H: hey , what are you doing ?

A: I'm on my way to Starbucks , what about you?

H: I  finishing writing a song

A: oh cool , well I can't wait to hear it !

H: haha I bet you can't 😂

A: So how is your family?

H: yeah their pretty good

* the conversation went on for a while longer than they hung up!*

Authors Note:

Hey Guys!! I hope you liked the first chapter , I know it was boring but trust me the dramas coming soon ! And comment if I should do Hayden's P.O.V if this part in the next chapter ! Love y'all please remember so comment and to give me feedback!

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