Chapter 17//I cant...

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Hayden's P.O.V
The rest of the day I laid in bed depressed and sad crying , on my phone , thinking about Annie ... I couldn't believe this happened ...
H:I love  her so much , I guess she doesn't love me the same tho
I said in a shaky kind of whisper voice just then Annie walked through the door , her eyes red and puffy her cheeks stained with tears , she looked more hurt than I was , which she shouldn't be because I'm the one who got hurt
A:don't you ever say anything like that ever again!!
She said with her voice cracking and tears streaming out of her eyes
H:what d-do you m-mean?
I said in a shaky voice from crying so much
A:Hayden Taylor Summerall , I love you so freakin much words can't explain , your my everything , if I never found out about you I would be empty , I wouldn't have anything to make me smile and to make me the happiest girl in the world , don't ever say that I don't love you , because I would do absolutely anything for you , I would die for you , you are the most amazing human being God has created , I don't know how I got so lucky to have you in my life ...please.... don't ever say that again .... she ended by crying
H:I'm sorry Annie. I love you too and it hurts me to see you like this
A:NO , I did this , if anyone should be hurt it should be you , not me... can you please let me explain ?
H:I guess...
A:so when I left I got to the train station and Johnny got in the car, he told me that when we got home he needed to tell me something, when we got home he told me that I was beautiful and smart and some other crap I said "uh thanks John" I thought he was being like a brother giving me compliments , then he kissed me ... I went in fairy land or something , I knew what was happening , I tried pulling away but it's like my brain shut down and I could move, I swear Hayden , Johnny is like a brother to me , I have never seen him in any other way than a brother way ... Hayden ....will you forgive me?...
H: Ann's... I can't... stay mad at you!! I love you my princess
I pulled her close to me and hugged her tight she  gripped me tighter and sniffled she lifted up jet head and I put a strand of loose hair behind her ear and smiled at her beauty slowly leaned towards her and kissed her soft sweet lips... Johnny can back home and slept on the couch , Annie didn't talk to him at all and neither did I , Johnny was my best friend, it hurts that he did this to me...
Hiiiiiii babes I hope you enjoy this chapter I have y'all a bonus by updating the next day, remember to comment some constructive feedback and to comment your ideas because I love hearing them!
What's your favourite animal !
Don't forget to comment down below coz I wanna know the question of the chapter is.... what's your favourite Animal?
💜I Love You Forever&Always💜

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