Chapter 8//" I'm sorry I can't I'm on love with someone else"

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Annie's P.O.V

When Hayden was telling me this I let out a few tears because he was being so sweet and ugh I just love him so much ! after our kiss we laid in each other's arms and watched a movie smiling like goofy weirdos the whole time , I felt a kiss on my forehead and I looked up and saw Hayden with the biggest grin plastered on his face as we both laid together I leaned in and so did he and our lips softly touched and again I felt sparks

H: I love you Ann's

A: I love you too hay

After the movie the door bell rang and I went to get it , I opened the door to see Austin , great , Hayden saw him and he didn't look to happy but he smirked and came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck

A:Annie Au: Austin H:Hayden

H: hey beautiful

A: hey handsome 😂

Au: so Annie ....

A: yea

Au: can I maybe talk to you in private

A: yea sure

Hayden's P.O.V

I've never felt so amazing in my life ,  we laid and watched a movie when the movie ended the door bell rang and Annie said " I'll get it " she was so cute she jumped off the bed and ran to the door I was hungry so I was going to go to the kitchen when I looked at the front door I saw Austin I was mad at first but then I had an idea so I smirked and walked up to Annie and I wrapped my arms around her from behind and I kissed her sweet smelling neck and she blushed and then Austin asked  to talk  in private I'll admit I was a bit uncomfortable with it but I trust Annie so I let her go I went back to the room and I played some fortnite when Annie walked in about 10minutes later with a huge grin plastered on her face

Annie's P.O.V

I walked out with Austin and we sat on the bench outside and I said

A:so what do you wanna talk about?

Au: well I'm not gonna wait I'm just gonna so you straight out... Annie LeBlanc will you be my girlfriend ?

A: I'm sorry I can't I'm in love with someone else 😊💜

Au: oh uh um uh ok well bye...

A: bye

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