Chapter 4// Nice wall😂😏🤦🏻‍♀️

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Annie's P.O.V

I woke up to go to the bathroom, I went to the bathroom finished my business and when I walked out I saw all the lights on in the house I said " mom dad why are all the lights on in this house?" I was about to turn the hallway light off when I saw something that gave me the biggest butterflies and my heart started racing so fast I didn't think it was possible I saw Hayden my jaw dropped and tears of joy started streaming out of my eyes after looking at Hayden for like 1 minute I moved my eyes to the rest of the room an I saw Tish , mr Jimmy , little jimmy , hunter and Dylan this made me even more happy I didn't know what to do , I looked hideous without makeup so I ran to my room and put a pillow against my face then I heard the most amazing voice ever , Hayden's , he came and tried taking the pillow off my face then I said " nooo I don't have any makeup on I look ugly " then he said "you don't ?" And I shook my head no then he said "well you look beautiful , I though you were wearing makeup !"and then he slowly pulled the pillow out from my face and gave me a smile then he said " can I at least have a hug?😂" I laughed and gave him a hug my arms wrapped around his neck and one of his hands around my waist the on their on my back I felt so warm and safe in his arms then he said

H: Annie?


H: nice wall😂☺️

A: oh lord😂🤦🏻‍♀️

a/n: that's my real wall

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a/n: that's my real wall

Once I got myself together and dried my tears I walked out to see the rest of the family and then I realised that Hayden had his arm around me I blushed at the thought and he walked with me and he sat on the couch I went around and I said hi to the rest of the summeralls then I was going to sit on a bean bag when Hayden patted the spot next to him for me to sit I went and sat with him and he put his arm around me and we sat there for awhile just talking

a/n : I hope you liked that chapter I know it's taking a bit longer to get to the drama but where getting there! Don't forget to comment constructive feed back for me and tell me your ideas because I love hearing them all! I love y'all btw my Instagram is @summerallxpurple_ily go follow me!

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