Chapter 14//smirked😏

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Annie's P.O.V
When we walked out of the room kenz maddie and John started st us then at our hand then back at us then hey looked at each other and grinned really big and said "HANNIE!!!!" I laughed at them and rolled my eyes
H:what the hells a Hannie
A:they told me yesterday that kenz , John and maddie made up Hannie which is Annie+Hayden
H:oh it's cute
We all laughed and we got in the limo that Carson ordered for us only because were his only VIP guest so yeah we got in and sat down there was colourful lights and music on I sat down next to Hayden Kenz sat next to John and Maddie sat next to her boyfriend Jack
I went on my phone because I kept getting messages from my mom asking me if I was ok and how I was feeling because she went on a business trip with my dad when I replied I felt a warm big hand on my thigh I smiled and looked up and saw Hayden smiling at me , I smiled back at him and quickly pecked his lips he had a big goofy grin and I laughed at him , who would have ever thought that I'd be dating my celebrity crush not even , my celebrity obsession. We pulled up at Carson's house and we went to the door and rang the doorbell
C:Hey guys, what's Gucci ?
H:sup man
K:hey blondie
A:heyyyy I'm Annie
C:so this is the famous Annie I've been hearing about, nice to meet you
A:nice to meet you too
We all walked in and Carson took us to the V.I.P room where there was a few other people and including .... Ruby , Ruby was there . And then this girl ran up to us and hugged kenz ,mads,John and Hayden then she looked at me and she said 
Girl:Hi your Annie , right?
A:Hi, yeah I am, what your name sorry
Girl:oh sorry I'm Jordyn , Jordyn Jones
A:oh it's so nice to meet you Jordyn !
Jo:it's nice to meet you too , come sit with me I'll introduce you to the gang she grabbed my hand and lead me to the group of people and she introduced me to everyone then I sat next to her and we talked and talked , she is actually sooo sweet we talked for about half an hour then I got up to go to the bathroom I saw Ruby being touchy and flirty with Hayden , Hayden was moving away and rolling his eyes at her so I went next to him and  I got on my tippy toes kissed his cheek while one of my hands where around his neck he smiled at me and put his hands around my waist
R:don't touch my man!!!
A:excuse me shorty?! He is my man
R:watch it ! We kissed yesterday !
H:actually you kissed me and I washed my lips thoroughly straight after!
R:your still mine Hayden!
A:actually his mine , I don't see any ring on your finger
I held up my hand for her to see the ring he gave me
R:you probably bought that ring for yourself and your just showing me to make a point
A:oh really?
I smirked then I put my other arm around Hayden's neck and I he seemed confused as so what I was doing then I smashed my lips onto his and he smiled and kissed me back and put his other arm around my waist as he kept kissing me passionately after 2 minutes we both pulled away and smiled then I giggled and he kissed my nose and I giggled more as he chuckled then we turned around to see Ruby with her jaw dropped and me  and Hayden laughed then he picked me up and took me to there dance floor and we started dancing after an hour of dancing we went back to he V.I.P room and we walked towards Jordyn again Hayden sat down I was about to sit in the middle of Jordyn and Hayden when Hayden moved quickly next to Jordyn and that made me sit on his lap I looked at him confused and he gave me a goofy smile I playfully rolled my eyes and laughed at him we talked to Jordyn for awhile longer then it was 2:30am and we got back in the limo with kenz and what we called are gang "the Gucci gang" we talked in the limo ride and we got to my house again I told maddie,John and kenz to stay the night again because it was really late kenz and maddie borrowed my pyjamas for the night and John used Hayden's we all got the beds settled , today Hayden wanted to sleep with me so I let him John had a bed to himself and kenz and Maddie shared a bed we all got in I tired the other way and started falling asleep when Hayden pulled me closer to him and he got comfortable with his arms around my waist as we both drifted off to sleep
Heyo i hope you enjoyed this chapter ! Remember to let me know your ideas because I love hearing them and make sure leave constructive feedback on how I can improve my writing I love y'all sooo much
💜I Love You Forever&Always💜

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