Chapter 9//your my only💜😊

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Hayden's P.O.V
Annie walked back in the room with a huge grin plastered on her adorable face and she came and sat next to me , I put the Xbox controller down and I turned off the TV
H:why are you so happy?😂
A:Austin asked me to be his girlfriend
H:wh-what but Annie we literally just ... how could you
I say as a tear slips out of my eye
A: you didn't let me finish!
H:ok whatever go ahead finish😔🙄
A:I said... sorry but I'm already in love with someone else 😊💜
H:what! Who?
A:oh my goodness child ! YOU , you silly goose
H: oh that makes sense 😂 I'm sorry for snapping at you, I'm a horrible person
A:AYE! Don't ever say that again!! You didn't snap at me first of all and second of all your the most amazing boy in the world!
H: I truely love you Julianna Grace LeBlanc😂💜
A:I truely love you too Hayden Taylor Summerall 💜
H:Ann's tonight meet me on the balcony at 6:30 k?
A:ok but why?
H:you'll see my love 😏
Annie giggles and the she lays in the bed I go and I lay with her and wrap my arms around her tiny body and she drifted off to sleep then slowly I started to drift off to sleep to
*2 hours later*
Click , Click I hear photos clicking and people Awing I open my eyes a bit and I see Katie,Billy,Dad,Mom,Dylan,Hunter and Jimmy all taking pictures of me and Annie cuddling I fully open my eyes and whisper yell "get out! Before Ann's wakes up!"
They all laugh and walk out the door and Annie starts to move in my arms and she wakes up.
H:good morning my angel
A:*giggles* good morning my love
H:did you rest well , sleeping beauty?
A:perfect how about you Prince Charming ?
H:perfect too
We both laugh and I lean down and connect me and Annie's lips as both our lips move in sync
A: Hayden
H:yes ?
A:your my only💜
H:Your my only too 💜
Hello guys I hope your enjoying this fanfic so far I love y'all so much and thank you for your support on this book, next chapter will be he mystery "date" Hayden has planned for Annie bye💜💜
💜I Love You Forever&Always💜

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