Chapter31//" I Missed That"

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Haydens P.O.V

i opened the door to see the love of my life calling out Max and running up to him and kissing him, i was brokenly was in full tears she started talking to Max after the kiss and then Max made eye contacts with me, he looked at Annie and started talking again, after one sentence she turned around and made eye contact with me her eyes started watering and she ran right past me into the room, Max came and apologised to me and i forgave him because her wasn't the one who kissed her first and even tho he kissed her back he pulled away almost immediately because he was my friend, i went to my room and i didn't come out the rest of the day i cried almost all day and i could hear Annie crying too, i heard zipping and and stuff too i have no clue was she was doing but i fell asleep

I slightly woke up when i felt a pair of lips on mine, i knew they were annies and i started kissing back, i didn't remember what she did since i was technically still asleep but when she pulled away i rested my head on the pillow again and she placed her perfect lips on my forehead 

A:go back to sleep baby


and just like that i fell asleep. I woke up again when i heard the front door open and close i sat up went to the bathroom and sat back on the bed, i grabbed my phone and started scrolling through instagram and liking some fan pages posts when in the corner of my eye i saw the bear i gave Annie yesterday before we got on the plane to LA i grabbed it and saw the promise ring i gave her and a note, i sat up on the bed and turned my lamp on and i started reading the note that she left

Dear Hayden, the love of my life,

I'm sorry, I'm sorry im such a bad girlfriend, im sorry im not good enough, you deserve so much more than me, i would be asking you to please take me back and i would tell you that i love you and that i would never do it again, but im not going to, i leaving... back to Australia that way you can be happy, you don't have to be hurt anymore, you don't have to be around me, since I've been around all i have done is make you cry... it breaks my heart when you cry, so im done being the reason for those tears. I promise you won't miss me, you'll be happy that i left, because there will be no more tears coming out of those beautiful hazel eyes of yours, but me... ill miss you... more than anything in the world, ill miss hearing your perfect laugh, your deep sexy voice in the morning, ill miss seeing your perfect smile, your perfect dreamy eyes, ill miss running my hands through your curly hair, ill miss your goofiness, ill miss your big warm comforting arms, ill miss cuddling you while watching movies and sleeping, ill miss kissing your perfect sweet lips, i don't know what im gonna do without you... im always gonna pray that your safe and that you find the girl that you deserve, im really truly gonna miss you theres nothing in the world that will make me complete without you, when i was a fan of you, i would always write my name as Annie Summerall, and i would always say that i would marry you when im older and have 2 kids, when i met you i thought that i would actually get to marry you, but "I just keep hurting you" i want you to know that I Love You so much Hayden Taylor Summerall , forever and always...

from, Julianna Grace LeBlanc

i started crying as soon as i read it i read it like 6 times and i coolant believe what i was reading , my baby, my life, my everything... she was gone.

i messaged her and called her, during the conversation i burst out in tears, i couldn't take it anymore, the last thing she said to me was

A: Hayden look, your crying right now, and why? because of me! Im sorry Hay, i love you...

and then she hung up, i was crying so hard, i couldn't believe it, she left me...

about 30 minutes after that i heard the front door open and close again and i walked out of my room hoping ton see Annie but i saw Dylan and Brec, Dylan looked at me with tears still running down my face and he ran up to me and embraced me in a hug as i started to cry again

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