Chapter 32//2 beautiful babys

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Hayden's P.O.V

*5 years later*

Ever since Annie came back to me, we haven't had one argument, maybe little disagreements but nothing major, none of us have hurt each other and our relationship is great!

So something I think y'all should know is that... we had 2 beautiful baby's we have one girl, her name is Indiana Love Summerall and we have one baby boy and his name is Elijah James Summerall, Indiana is 4 and Elijah is 2, Annie got pregnant a month after she came back to LA, we were both 16 and our parents weren't happy about it, but me and Annie got through it together, when Indiana was born our parents completely fell in love with her, they were fine after she was born and they weren't mad at all, but then Annie got pregnant with Elijah, we thought they were gonna get so mad, but they were actually really happy for us, I'm so happy, I'm a happy dad and boyfriend, I'm planning on proposing to Annie, I love her so much and it's time to replace the promise ring with an engagement   ring

I went and I had a perfect idea, it was really romantic and just great, I took her to her favourite place ever! Disney land, we bought matching couple tops and all that and then to the special moment, we went in front of the castle and we were watching the fire works, when there was the biggest fire works of all, all the fire works spelt out Will You Marry Me Annie?, she looked at me and said, awe look someone's proposing...wait! She looked at me and I got down on one knee I took out the ring box and I said

H:Julianna Grace LeBlanc, the day I met you I completely fell in love with you, we've been through our ups and downs but at the end of the day we always find a way to finger things out, we have two beautiful baby's and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and have more beautiful baby's! Julianna Grace LeBlanc will you make me the most happiest man alive and Marry me?

Annie was fully in tears, she had the biggest smile on her face, she put her hand in front of the ring box  and said 

A:yes, one hundred times YES!

I slid the ring on her finger and she stared at it in awe I got up and she jumped on me and wrapped her arms around me, I wrapped my arms around her waist and picked her up and span her around, I looked around and realised there was a crowd of people cheering and clapping for us, I smiled and so did Annie I put her down, not undoing my grip on her, I looked her in her beautiful chocolate brown eyes and leaned down and kissed her sweet warm lips we kissed for about 2 minutes and we both pulled away, we both smiled and talked then decided to start heading home, we held hands and , I looked at her through the corner of my eye and saw her smiling and starting at her ring


H:yes baby?

A: I love you

H:I love you too beautiful

We got home and fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms! In the morning we are planning on telling Indiana and Elijah about it... i can officially say this is one of the best days of my life, the fist was when me and Annie got together the second and third was when my baby's were born and my 4th is today, except i might have to say they are all tied I can't really choose, I slowly started drifting off to sleep


Hey guys hope ya liked this chapter, I'm gonna end this soon so stay tuned to read more , tell me your ideas Coz I love hearing them 

, tell me what I can improve on and give me feedback please


the question of the chapter issssssss

Who's your favourite singer?

Don't forget to tell us coz we wanna know the question of the day issssssss

Who's your favourite singer byeeeeer


💜I Love You Forever&Always💜

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