Chapter 29//"love u big bro"

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Annie's P.O.V
When Hayden came and sat next to me he sweetly kissed me in the head and we finished eating, then Hayden and Johnny started making jokes, I didn't know they made up, anyways I pulled Hayden aside for a minute
A:did u and Johnny makeup?
H:yeah we talked and I forgave that ok?
A:YES ofcourse it's ok I was just wondering... is it ok if I forgive him?
H:ofcourse my love!
I walked over to Johnny and pulled him into another room
A:look John, I know I told you not to talk to me... but... I forgive you, if Hayden can forgive you so can I
J: thank you Annie, again I'm so so sorry!
A:it's ok John
J:so were cool?...
A:yep!! ... hug?
J: hug!
We both leaned in and hugged tight
A:"love u big bro!"
J:love u Lil sis!
We walked out and went to Hayden, I went to sit next to him but he put his hands on my hips and sat me in his lap I smiled at him and blushed and I leaned in and pecked his soft warm lips. Kenzie came over and we all laid on the bed and binge watched Riverdale! Once we finished watching both seasons of riverdale we went into the guest bedroom because Kenzie and Johnny had been gone for about 10 minutes when we walked in and saw them making out, they quickly pulled away and jumped to opposite side of the bed , me and Hayden started bursting out laughing to the point that our stomach started hurting once we gathered our breathes and our stomach stood hurting we started making noises like "aweee" "ooh la la" and we started hugging ourself pretending tat were making out , Johnny and Kenzie rolled their eyes and then we went downstairs and my cousin Paige was making us cookies !! We love her cookies and we also ordered some pizzas so then while we were waiting for the food, me, Hayden, Paige, Kenzie and Johnny got on he counter and started dancing it was so much fun, then the doorbell rang so I ran down the hall to the front door and I grabbed the pizza and ran back we all laid down on the couch and ate pizza and cookies while watching old YouTube videos  of Hayden, I'm still so shocked that I ended up dating the guy I had a huge crush on for 5 years, I was obsessed with Hayden, I would always talk about marrying him one day, hopefully that is what's gonna happen with us in the future, I looked at Hayden and he looked at me, I smiled at him and he smiled back , I swear this boy gives me chills , he wrapped his arms around me and we finished watching YouTube. We went upstairs and Johnny and kenz slept in the spare room and me and Hayden slept in our room, Hayden laid his head in my stomach and wrapped his arms around me, I put one hand on his back and with the other I played with his hair
H:goodnight my love sleep with the Angles AKA me
A:*giggles* goodnight baby love you
H:love you too
He leaned up and connected our lips as they both moved in sync for about 5 minutes. His lips are just so sweet I could kiss them all day if I could
Hello guys, sorry I haven't been updating very much I was just out of ideas and I have been busy , please remember to leave constructive feedback, and tell me what I can improve on , also remember to comment any ideas you have because I love hearing your ideas.  Also I have a question, do you guys want me to have more drama or keep their relationship strong for now? Remember to comment love y'all
What's your favourite song ?
Mine is smiles for you (duh)
So don't forget to comment down below coz I wanna know the question of the day isssss , what's your favourite song byeee
💜I Love You Forever&Always💜

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