Chapter 18//you hurt me bad????

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Annie's P.O.V
I woke up wrapped in a big warm pair of arms , I slowly moved from his grip and for out of his arms, I kinda giggled at how cute he was , I slowly ran my hand over his hair looking at his beauty , I smiled and leaned down and gently and slowly I placed my warm lips on his warm soft forehead , I was about to pull away when I got pulled down onto the bed and I saw this big figure on top of me , Hayden, he smiled at me as I giggled.
H:good morning princess
A:morning my prince , how did you sleep?
H:perfect with you, how did u sleep
A:perfect with you too
H:he leaned down and connected our lips , both our lips moved in sync , he's lips are so soft and warm and sweet, I could kiss them all day, every time we kiss there is sparks , even if it's just a peck , I always feel like the only girl in the world
When we finished he got off me I had a shower and so did he then we got dressed and got ready for the day,
H:what's for breakfast
A:my mom made breakfast today
I giggled at him and I started walking downstairs when I got picked up bridal style, Hayden then moved me from his arms to his back and he ran down the stairs and we saw Johnny...
MK:morning sweetie
A:morning mom
MK:goodmorning baby boy
H:morning momma
Hayden said to my mom as he kissed her cheek good morning, ugh I love the relationship Hayden has with my mom, I love how she calls him baby boy!
We sat down and started waiting for the food in silence when Johnny broke it ,
J:Hayden , can I talk to you for a minute
H:...I guess....
Hayden's P.O.V
When Johnny said that we walked to the lounge room and sat down on the couch
J:look man, I'm so so SO sorry for what I did yesterday , I was just mad that Kenzie turned me down yesterday and I kissed your girl and I know it was wrong and I'm so sorry Hayden , would you forgive me , please?
H:"you hurt me badly" ... but I forgive you...
We did a bro hug and went back to the dining table I kissed Annie's head as I sat next to her again
Hope you liked this chapter please remember to comment constructive feedback so that i know what I can improve on and tell me your ideas coz I love hearing them
What your least favourite food?
Don't forget to comment down below , coz i wanna know the question if they day is... what's your least favourite food?
Thanks for reading!
💜I Love You Forever&Always💜

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